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Maple Memo from the community

Reactions: 1,535
Posts: 67
edited June 2019 in General Chat
Dear SavageAce,
While in one sense we appreciate your Maple Memos, the last few have been nothing but one big middle finger to the fans and players of your game. Over the past few weeks, since the start of your summer update, it’s felt nothing short of a “screw you we know better” mentality. This of course isn’t just limited to this scope but let’s look at a few examples just within the past recent memory.

Kanna Revamp
What the hell even happened here? Not only did you break the class on release(crashes and Haku’s blessing), you also needlessly nerfed aspects from the JMS revamp. I thought the point of the revamp to make Kanna a powerful mage. One that stood up to other mages? Now, in GMS, she can barely hold the role she had as a support. If you felt the need to reduce the power of JMS that’s one thing. Not gut what the revamp sought to do. Maybe have haunting at 5% instead of 7%. Not 2. Why the needless nerf to foxfire? Moving past all of that, there are still random crashes when playing Kanna. So you really fixed nothing. From Kanna mains: Thanks for screwing us yet again.

Fury Totem and Kishin
When it was first announced there would be an item to co-exist with Kishin, many were filled with hope, a lot skeptical and rightfully so. Fury totem is a joke. 2k reward points for 2 hours? Omegalul. Couldn’t even do 1 day? If not that, why not 1k reward points for 2 hours? This item was suppose to help, not be borderline irrelevant. People hoped that this would stop the 2 PC Meta. While some think that’s ridiculous it’s called a “meta”(myself included) we cannot deny the fact that it’s truth. I get it, you don’t want to fully get rid of it. Doing so lowers the number of active accounts on right? If you keep your current trend than that player count will go down faster than the dislikes on Pokemon Sword and Shield videos. Do something right by your community and fix Fury Totem.

Spawn rate and server stability
Never have I read a bigger pile of horse crap from Nexon. When you had perma kishin in maps, the game felt more stable than it normally does. Leading to the evidence that you’re wrong about having instability because of spawnrate. You’re a multibillion dollar company. You can afford a little bit better servers that would handle the supposed bad spawnrate. And lets say this comes with a price, you need to remove kishin and fury totem. I’m sure there are a number of players out there who would be okay with this. At least it would have benefits to everyone.

In conclusion, I laid out a few key arguing and discontent player talking points since this crummy patch. This may fall on deaf ears but maybe not. Sometimes the Maple community has made a wave loud enough to make a difference. It happens. Those who stay deserve the same loyalty we show to you. Some of us since 2005.

The Maple Community


  • AggraphineAggraphine
    Reactions: 19,415
    Posts: 3,553
    edited June 2019
    Saw this on reddit, agree with pretty much all of it. The past few memos have been less about communication between nexon and players and more "we understand that no one is happy about this, we're doing it anyway"(see: tune-up memo, singapore/malaysia/pottable badges memo, etc). If that's what you consider communication with the players, nexon, then I would strongly advise you just cease communicating.

    Communication, if you'll recall, is generally a two-way road; you communicate with us, we communicate with you. It almost feels insulting to call these memos communication at this point, what with how much of them is steeped in the red tape of "internal discussion", the machinations of which we are never made privy to until whatever decision was reached in them bears its fruit, be it positive or negative to the players. All they've labored to elucidate for the players is "this is the decision we came to with regards to the game with absolutely no input from actual players".

    As for the fury totem, what an absolute letdown that was. I had carefully-guarded hopes(it's nexon, can you blame me?) that maybe it would be something substantial, that it would allow players who don't have the means to run two instances of maple at any given moment a way to level themselves with those that do. Turns out I was right to keep my hopes guardedly low. Two hours at a time, 15 times per month, that's 30 hours per month. For 500 reward points? Sure, 500's easy enough, trivial even, to get in one day. But 2000? You're asking players to shell out solidly two-thirds of their monthly reward point limit(unless I missed it being raised from 45,000/mo) for thirty hours of not-kishin kishin. I have no words for the brazen idiocy of this implementation.

    As far as server stability goes, their arguments that this is to help server stability in any way would hold more water were it not for the million other problems, spawn rate of mobs notwithstanding, that cause instability. But hey, I guess keeping your CCU metrics up makes you look good to daddy Korea, huh?
    Reactions: 3,370
    Posts: 504
    edited June 2019

    so you tell players if we go all main kanna and spam kish server will crash-lag ?
    are you going to start autoban if all log on kanna & start spam kish lol ?
    from all things you can do.... cough hackers bugs cough.... you chose the one that hurts noone

    its not about 2pc meta as much as monetization
    all started with spawn its "buged" then we got the thing kanna-kish at 70% as "fix" that got nerfed with time so they can sell frenzy totem at 70%
    sure they "cant" make normal spawn without all that ****

    what happend to gradually improving our server structure ?

    comeon nexon do better... we know its just good PR-marketing tricks in memos
    sure you want money but you have to improve your product you cant keep partly bandage and copy-paste (leech) from KMS
    dont you learn from EMS and nexonEU ?
  • SwordStakerSwordStaker
    Reactions: 1,535
    Posts: 67
    edited June 2019
    WONDERGUY wrote: »

    so you tell players if we go all main kanna and spam kish server will crash-lag ?
    are you going to start autoban if all log on kanna & start spam kish lol ?
    from all things you can do.... cough hackers bugs cough.... you chose the one that hurts noone

    its not about 2pc meta as much as monetization
    all started with spawn its "buged" then we got the thing kanna-kish at 70% as "fix" that got nerfed with time so they can sell frenzy totem at 70%
    sure they "cant" make normal spawn without all that ****

    what happend to gradually improving our server structure ?

    comeon nexon do better... we know its just good PR-marketing tricks in memos
    sure you want money but you have to improve your product you cant keep partly bandage and copy-paste (leech) from KMS
    dont you learn from EMS and nexonEU ?
    Remember that EMS became GMS. I also feel its a matter of time until MSEA also becomes GMS. Then after that it becomes “look how many players play GMS! We’re doing something right!”
  • FuhreakFuhreak
    Reactions: 7,620
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    edited June 2019
    As someone who actually agrees with most of the unpopular stuff Nexon is doing, the communication aspect of it all is subpar.
    Players need to be told what Nexon's roadmap is and what changes are to come rather than spring it on us and hope for the best.
    Even if the changes negatively impact the majority of players, they won't feel as betrayed if they knew the change was coming in advance rather than to bait and switch at the last minute.
    I'm all for a 1:1 GMS:KMS version of the game. But it would be nice to know exactly what direction Nexon is headed in the first place.
    Reactions: 3,370
    Posts: 504
    edited June 2019
    WONDERGUY wrote: »

    so you tell players if we go all main kanna and spam kish server will crash-lag ?
    are you going to start autoban if all log on kanna & start spam kish lol ?
    from all things you can do.... cough hackers bugs cough.... you chose the one that hurts noone

    its not about 2pc meta as much as monetization
    all started with spawn its "buged" then we got the thing kanna-kish at 70% as "fix" that got nerfed with time so they can sell frenzy totem at 70%
    sure they "cant" make normal spawn without all that ****

    what happend to gradually improving our server structure ?

    comeon nexon do better... we know its just good PR-marketing tricks in memos
    sure you want money but you have to improve your product you cant keep partly bandage and copy-paste (leech) from KMS
    dont you learn from EMS and nexonEU ?
    Remember that EMS became GMS. I also feel its a matter of time until MSEA also becomes GMS. Then after that it becomes “look how many players play GMS! We’re doing something right!”

    yea but EMS lost (team,unique stuff... etc etc ) and still they use our GM's if they mange with time zone,also i heard they closed nexonEU
    as i know "merge" was meant to improve both servers with team power (not like one "leeching" of other just to avoid geting "closed" )
    the way GMS is geting close to KMS i see as them trying to do same "merge" EMS did to GMS to KMS and just translate

    also about GMS transparency dosnt matter if they publicly inform us on their site or not they wont change their action
    we knew what we were going to get (new class pf , all class updates-nerfs and changes to kish) it was hyped as "great summer update"

    kanna-kish was long long time target as what going to happend
    first it started with kish geting removed (as other servers allready did or never had it ) and we was told we are working on update and HERE IT IS :)
    nerfed kish/kanna and furry totem as eazy code solution from frenzy totem "inverted"colors and nerf stats

    last minute changes without test to ceasefire as much as possible

  • KuronekonovaKuronekonova
    Reactions: 795
    Posts: 22
    edited July 2019
    they wont listen to this.
  • JushiroNetJushiroNet
    Reactions: 6,160
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    edited July 2019
    So which is it:

    the spawn boosting code of kishin is trash and needs to be fixed to not negatively affect the servers


    nexon is not willing to pay for proper servers for ms1
  • AggraphineAggraphine
    Reactions: 19,415
    Posts: 3,553
    edited July 2019
    JushiroNet wrote: »
    So which is it:

    the spawn boosting code of kishin is trash and needs to be fixed to not negatively affect the servers


    nexon is not willing to pay for proper servers for ms1

    Who knows? They'll never answer, nor will they even acknowledge this. At best there might be another memo, filled with the usual tripe. "We hear you", "we're listening", "we understand you're upset" and other meaningless placations. More likely though is they'll just ignore everything, try their damnedest to sweep it all under the rug.
  • HHG1HHG1
    Reactions: 5,986
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    edited July 2019
    Aggraphine wrote: »
    JushiroNet wrote: »
    So which is it:

    the spawn boosting code of kishin is trash and needs to be fixed to not negatively affect the servers


    nexon is not willing to pay for proper servers for ms1

    Who knows? They'll never answer, nor will they even acknowledge this. At best there might be another memo, filled with the usual tripe. "We hear you", "we're listening", "we understand you're upset" and other meaningless placations. More likely though is they'll just ignore everything, try their damnedest to sweep it all under the rug.

    All of the above, plus a DMT distraction to see if people will still spend money when dissatisfied.
    Reactions: 3,370
    Posts: 504
    edited July 2019
    HHG1 wrote: »
    Aggraphine wrote: »
    JushiroNet wrote: »
    So which is it:

    the spawn boosting code of kishin is trash and needs to be fixed to not negatively affect the servers


    nexon is not willing to pay for proper servers for ms1

    Who knows? They'll never answer, nor will they even acknowledge this. At best there might be another memo, filled with the usual tripe. "We hear you", "we're listening", "we understand you're upset" and other meaningless placations. More likely though is they'll just ignore everything, try their damnedest to sweep it all under the rug.

    All of the above, plus a DMT distraction to see if people will still spend money when dissatisfied.

    kish needs be removed
    you see frenzy its more powerfull can be spamed on all maps/ch at same time without issue
    kish just makes lags for sure ! remove it the lag definitely its not from hackers,bugs and spagheti code
    hope they remove kish as high priority so we can run maplestory smooth again

    dont forgot DMT on non-reboot ! (hope you did speend all RP on fury totem and use $ on cubes now ;) )
  • AggraphineAggraphine
    Reactions: 19,415
    Posts: 3,553
    edited July 2019
    HHG1 wrote: »
    Aggraphine wrote: »
    JushiroNet wrote: »
    So which is it:

    the spawn boosting code of kishin is trash and needs to be fixed to not negatively affect the servers


    nexon is not willing to pay for proper servers for ms1

    Who knows? They'll never answer, nor will they even acknowledge this. At best there might be another memo, filled with the usual tripe. "We hear you", "we're listening", "we understand you're upset" and other meaningless placations. More likely though is they'll just ignore everything, try their damnedest to sweep it all under the rug.

    All of the above, plus a DMT distraction to see if people will still spend money when dissatisfied.

    Yep. Everyone so thoroughly beholden to the rat race that as soon as they see "double miracle" in a news post, all wrongs are forgotten.
  • SwordStakerSwordStaker
    Reactions: 1,535
    Posts: 67
    edited July 2019
    JushiroNet wrote: »
    So which is it:

    the spawn boosting code of kishin is trash and needs to be fixed to not negatively affect the servers


    nexon is not willing to pay for proper servers for ms1
  • MalvonMalvon
    Reactions: 1,340
    Posts: 65
    edited July 2019
    SwordStaker really hit the nail on the head on what is going on with their first post and with any luck they will take it to heart and learn from it.
  • AggraphineAggraphine
    Reactions: 19,415
    Posts: 3,553
    edited July 2019
    Malvon wrote: »
    SwordStaker really hit the nail on the head on what is going on with their first post and with any luck they will take it to heart and learn from it.

    You must be new here
  • MalvonMalvon
    Reactions: 1,340
    Posts: 65
    edited July 2019
    Aggraphine wrote: »
    Malvon wrote: »
    SwordStaker really hit the nail on the head on what is going on with their first post and with any luck they will take it to heart and learn from it.

    You must be new here

    I wish I was new then I could forget all the times that players have warned nexon about whatever horrible plan or feature that was going to happen months in advance just gets patched in blindly with disregard for player feed back is just a slap in the face and it always happens every single time something comes up.

    Or we have the opposite when good content gets put into the game it then gets a bat taken to the leg or removed completely because it was slightly too good.

    In the end It makes players a little more jaded about what else can be taken away from them.

    I am sorry for my little rant, it is just so frustrating when we get a generic robotic responses from higher ups.

  • darikdarik
    Reactions: 3,270
    Posts: 603
    edited July 2019
    Malvon wrote: »
    Aggraphine wrote: »
    Malvon wrote: »
    SwordStaker really hit the nail on the head on what is going on with their first post and with any luck they will take it to heart and learn from it.

    You must be new here

    I wish I was new then I could forget all the times that players have warned nexon about whatever horrible plan or feature that was going to happen months in advance just gets patched in blindly with disregard for player feed back is just a slap in the face and it always happens every single time something comes up.

    Or we have the opposite when good content gets put into the game it then gets a bat taken to the leg or removed completely because it was slightly too good.

    In the end It makes players a little more jaded about what else can be taken away from them.

    I am sorry for my little rant, it is just so frustrating when we get a generic robotic responses from higher ups.

    Aka drop rate nerf, they announce it a few days before happening, no one wants it,no one asks for it, yet it happened.
    They tend to nerf legit people from simply playibg the game and giving them money, its so stupid at this point.
  • PirateIzzyPirateIzzy
    Reactions: 5,275
    Posts: 862
    edited July 2019
    I half agree about Kanna. 4th job nodes are almost universally 2% per level across the board, so I don't think Kanna should be any different there. That being said, it would be nice if JapanMS nerfed Kanna to what we have to make it fair, and raised her base damage otherwise.