Please put attention to the following carefully!!
Change channel will occour on second time click only - after picking up a new item dropped by a monster, by me or by another player in game.
If you don't pick up any items, then the issue will not occour!
Update as of 09.12.2016:Additionally, dropping any item or mesos by myself but not picking up any of my own dropped items back will produce that issue, too.
Also, using a pet to pick up items dropped by monster will produce that issue, too.
Update as of 13.12.2016:In conclusion, change channel will occour on second time click only when last action done prior the change channel request was one of the following:
- After picking up an item dropped by a monster.
- After picking up an item drooped by another player in game.
- After using a pet to pick up items dropped by monsters.
- After dropping an item or mesos by myself but without picking up any of my own dropped items back.
However, if your last action before attempting to change the channel was one of the following, then the change channel will be done properly on first click:
- After picking up mesos or an item dropped by myself only.
- After summoning or hiding a pet.
Update as of 05.08.2017:- It is possible that the issue will persist when picking up any mesos or item which I own or not.
Please note that this is NOT a game latency issue, as is shown in my video below!
This doesn't matter how long time has passed between the time you have done your last action and the time you try to change a channel. The result will be always the same, regularly.
Here is a preview of the situation I would like tp explain - dropping my mesos but not picking it up - one of the triggers explained above.
Please put attention that when I try to change to channel 8, this is actually doesn't happen. You may repeat these steps by yourself to verify it.
Update as of 11.04.2017:Here are some steps I have done to reproduce the change channel issue:

This bug is also known as "Channels are not changed for the first click!":
"Recently, when I play and I would like to change channels into the game it's not always do it immediately for the first time I click to choose a new channel. It only changes it after the second time".
This was
posted here but the issue has been resolved under the EMS service long time ago.
Thank you for your attention!
Please keep in mind that I follow the progress of handling that issue in hope it will be finally resolved shortly...
I was aware that the Game Team previously were not able to recreate the issue on their end but I insisted the issue was happening for me as other players claimed the same (the example is shown in the video including a pink bean character above).
I'm able to play MapleStorySEA (don't ask why and how) and for playing there I have letancy issues due to the big distance from the SEA area.
However, by attempting to recreate the issue there it seems that there is no any problem with the change channel there and it's always changed once as intended.
The change channel was good for playing Europe MapleStory up to v.117, too.
It's long time since this issue was reported and despite of all that it feels that no much efforts were made to identify and resolve it for the whole players.
It's a disappointment.
Any new about this?
Sadly, the channel restructure didn't resolve it.
A lot of people reported they experience that issue.
So much disappointing... Did you see how long time has passed since the time of the report??
Any new about this?
I'm afraid it's due to the servers' structures or bad coding.
There are a lot of of people who reported that they experience this issue.
Please do your best to resolve this finally.
This does not happen to me when playing MapleSEA and even not when playing MapleStoryThailand (both of the regional game services I tested by myself).
Thank you.