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The Blue Corsair


The Blue Corsair
Last Active
  • [Forum Game] I ban you for...

    I ban you for posting after 8:30pm.

    But it's only 7:30PM here! I ban you for not being in PST time!

  • [Forum Game] I ban you for...

    I ban you for being a blue bowmen

    B..but I'm a Corsair. D: I ban you for posting at exactly 5:00!

    I ban you for having a fancy blue box around your text.

    I ban you for being awesome and us still not meeting yet. :-( I LITERALLY USED TO VISIT CHUR TOWN LIKE FOUR TIMES A MONTH GROWING UP.

  • [Forum Game] I ban you for...

    @Yoshumari I ban you for being for being Chaos Horntail!
    *flees in fear*
    ban you for being blue.

    Pshhh, what. What gave you the idea that I'm blue? Nonsense!

    I ban you for having a bowman avatar.

  • HTML Formatting Fun Time

    Feel free to edit or make your own version of these, they took just a few minutes to code. I may also consider making a request thread.


    @The Blue Corsair Version

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque sit amet enim facilisis, molestie est in, efficitur nulla. Cras suscipit venenatis ligula non semper. Vestibulum eu fermentum odio. Sed fringilla diam facilisis, ullamcorper ante non, hendrerit enim. Aliquam pretium fringilla dui. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Proin at metus vel dolor faucibus tristique. Integer in quam dui. Fusce ornare quam nec lorem rhoncus pharetra. Curabitur sit amet viverra neque. Nulla id laoreet metus. Quisque sapien mauris, interdum vitae augue et, tempus laoreet felis. Integer ut eros luctus, ullamcorper sem sed, sodales metus. Praesent tincidunt sapien ut fringilla vehicula. Vivamus scelerisque turpis consequat, lacinia magna eu, fringilla nisi.


    @KThxBaiNao Version

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque sit amet enim facilisis, molestie est in, efficitur nulla. Cras suscipit venenatis ligula non semper. Vestibulum eu fermentum odio. Sed fringilla diam facilisis, ullamcorper ante non, hendrerit enim. Aliquam pretium fringilla dui. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Proin at metus vel dolor faucibus tristique. Integer in quam dui. Fusce ornare quam nec lorem rhoncus pharetra. Curabitur sit amet viverra neque. Nulla id laoreet metus. Quisque sapien mauris, interdum vitae augue et, tempus laoreet felis. Integer ut eros luctus, ullamcorper sem sed, sodales metus. Praesent tincidunt sapien ut fringilla vehicula. Vivamus scelerisque turpis consequat, lacinia magna eu, fringilla nisi.

  • [Forum Game] I ban you for...

    @Yoshumari I ban you for being for being Chaos Horntail!
    *flees in fear*