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Familiar Booster Packs + Booster Packs Issue

Reactions: 100
Posts: 3
edited April 2020 in Bug Reporting
Bug type: Item

Brief bug summary: Rollbacks cause familiar cards from booster packs to unregister and disappear.

Steps to reproduce:
- Open a booster pack (in my case it was the ones I got for free)
- Gain 3 familiars/per pack, register them or not.
- Get affected by channel crashing, causing your character to get rolled back.
- Login again on a different channel
- Booster packs are gone, but the character's been rolled back already so the familiars are gone too.

More details: This probably also affects other cash shop items that affect normal items (like cubes and circulators)

Character name: Sumimi

Character level: 220

Character job: Kanna

World name: Reboot

Date and time of the incident: 6:20~6:40 EDT. (2120~2140 UTC)


  • sunnyOmimisunnyOmimi
    Reactions: 100
    Posts: 3
    edited April 2020
    Same to me, and I cant unlock my second badge because there's not quest. Maybe because I already have a badge (second set) before revamp.

    Character name: MimiMiao
    Character level: 215
    Character job: Kanna
    World name: Reboot
  • WhorificWhorific
    Reactions: 1,865
    Posts: 84
    edited April 2020
    The familiar window isn't saving stuff in general. Those lock icons aren't staying active. I've lost rare familiars I've registered. Stuff I've extracted is back in my collection. The badges I've collected aren't staying collected. It's a mess.
  • MaleKannaMaleKanna
    Reactions: 700
    Posts: 3
    edited April 2020
    Lost a good amount of boss familiars from this glitch, im going to start on hold on the familiar card for now on.