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Mega character Burninator Coupon - Ark cant use

Reactions: 950
Posts: 20
edited September 2018 in Bug Reporting

My ark character cant use the coupon even if the restriction is only limited to Zero character and character already on burning effect.(item restriction : http://maplestory.nexon.net/news/36304/sunny-sunday-event)

Screenshot : https://imgur.com/a/zIrAKnn

Character name: ordiArk
Character level: 14
Character job: Ark
World name: Broa



  • HeyImAdrianHeyImAdrian
    Reactions: 200
    Post: 1
    edited September 2018
    From the Sunny Sunday event, you receive a Mega Character Burninator. I was waiting for this event to train my Ark. I used it on the Ark and all I receive is a message saying "You cannot designate this job for Burning."

    What I want to know is, was this meant to be a thing or is this a bug? The Burninator says not usable on Zero characters or burning characters, but Ark does not fall below this specifications.

    Could someone please clarify?
  • odinnoodinno
    Reactions: 950
    Posts: 20
    edited September 2018
    Made a ticket to nexon.

    Here is the answer from them:
    Hi there Mapler,

    Thank you for reaching us back.

    We are sorry to hear that you are having issues regarding to your character Ark. We would like to inform you that we made a announcement regarding the exception of the characters on this kind of event. We advise you to visit this link for further information regarding this event.

    We hope for your understanding regarding this matter and have a great day.

    GM Zolluton
    Nexon Player Support

    Security Tip: Please do not give your password, PIN, or PIC number to anyone for any reason. Nexon Player Support representatives will NEVER ask you for your password, PIN, or PIC.

    It mean they forget to mention it in the patch log and they dont intend to fix it. You can send them a ticket, they may change their mind if there is many ppl complaining.
  • odinnoodinno
    Reactions: 950
    Posts: 20
    edited September 2018
    Made a ticket to nexon.

    Here is the answer from them:
    Hi there Mapler,

    Thank you for reaching us back.

    We are sorry to hear that you are having issues regarding to your character Ark. We would like to inform you that we made a announcement regarding the exception of the characters on this kind of event. We advise you to visit this link for further information regarding this event.

    We hope for your understanding regarding this matter and have a great day.

    GM Zolluton
    Nexon Player Support

    Security Tip: Please do not give your password, PIN, or PIC number to anyone for any reason. Nexon Player Support representatives will NEVER ask you for your password, PIN, or PIC.

    It mean they forget to mention it in the patch log and they dont intend to fix it. I invite ppl to send them a ticket, they may change their mind if there is many ppl complaining.
  • odinnoodinno
    Reactions: 950
    Posts: 20
    edited September 2018
    Another reply from Nexon :
    GM Zolluton (MapleStory)

    Sep 23, 5:46 AM PDT

    Hello Mapler,

    Thank you for keeping in touch with us.

    We apologize for any confusion and inconvenience this may have caused. Meanwhile, as you know, Ark characters are unavailable for burning but we are looking into it and reviewing implementation of it. We can only suggest for you to stay tune for updates through our website or forum regarding this matter and possible application of it in-game in the future.

    I hope this clears up your concern.

    Should you have any questions or concerns in regards to another matter, please do not hesitate to submit a new ticket with a detailed explanation of the issue.

    GM Zolluton
    Nexon Player Support

    Security Tip: Please do not give your password, PIN, or PIC number to anyone for any reason. Nexon Player Support representatives will NEVER ask you for your password, PIN, or PIC.

    There is some hope but I would not wait to use the burninator coupon since it expire in a few day
  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
    Posts: 6,342
    Member, Private Tester
    edited September 2018
    That answer links to an event from two months ago, which is a different type of event entirely.
    Would be interesting to see what happens if you respond to that ticket response, saying you used the burninator on another character and did not receive the Snail pet or Frozen set box.

    Anyway, we've informed Nexon of the issue. I doubt they'd be able to do anything before the Burninators expire (only 3 days from when you pick them up, and one of those days is a Sunday), even if they wanted to. But you can wait those three days before using it on something else, who knows, maybe they'll surprise me.
  • hibaibhibaib
    Reactions: 400
    Posts: 8
    edited September 2018
    LOL This sucks.
    I used my Burninator Coupon on a archmage last time. They had the trouble where the Burninator was gone after you log off. I trained my archmage to level 177 withouth the Burninator, and after I lvl up to 177, Nexon says "we fixed the problem! you can burn your character now!"
    I already used my coupon for my archmage so I could not get another one, and I lvled up to 177 wihtout the burning so I did not get anything from that event.

    I deleted my low lvl Ark just for this event and they say that they don't allow you to burn Arks after the event starts. I am pretty sure that you have to announce before you start the event.
    And what's up with giving a link that is from few months ago?
  • hibaibhibaib
    Reactions: 400
    Posts: 8
    edited September 2018
    odinno wrote: »
    Another reply from Nexon :
    GM Zolluton (MapleStory)

    Sep 23, 5:46 AM PDT

    Hello Mapler,

    Thank you for keeping in touch with us.

    We apologize for any confusion and inconvenience this may have caused. Meanwhile, as you know, Ark characters are unavailable for burning but we are looking into it and reviewing implementation of it. We can only suggest for you to stay tune for updates through our website or forum regarding this matter and possible application of it in-game in the future.

    I hope this clears up your concern.

    Should you have any questions or concerns in regards to another matter, please do not hesitate to submit a new ticket with a detailed explanation of the issue.

    GM Zolluton
    Nexon Player Support

    Security Tip: Please do not give your password, PIN, or PIC number to anyone for any reason. Nexon Player Support representatives will NEVER ask you for your password, PIN, or PIC.

    There is some hope but I would not wait to use the burninator coupon since it expire in a few day

    That's stupid. There is no reason for Ark to be not burned. It is burned in KMS