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Disconnection/Crash Issues after v228 Update

Reactions: 3,795
Posts: 684
edited November 2021 in Announcements
Hi Maplers,

After the v.228 game update maintenance, we received many reports on client disconnections and crashes while playing the game for a certain period of time after the v.228 game update maintenance. We are currently investigating the cause of these issues with high priority and will address them as soon as we can. In addition to the disconnection/client issues, please keep an eye on our v.228 Patch Notes Known Issues section for the latest updates.

We truly apologize for the inconvenience you may be experiencing after the maintenance.


  • DeliqaudeDeliqaude
    Reactions: 800
    Posts: 7
    edited November 2021
    Since the update my Nexon Game launcher still tells me the game is under Maintenance.
  • KointsuKointsu
    Reactions: 210
    Posts: 11
    edited November 2021
    Could you adress my request as I already lost my entry to Hard Ranmaru?
  • BlasterMasterBlasterMaster
    Reactions: 1,495
    Posts: 230
    edited November 2021
    Amazing how you always "apologize for the inconvenience" but never seem able to release an update or event without inconveniencing players.

    Worst part is, this is an event where you get rewards for Weekly Bosses, Nexon being notorious for not reimbursing players who lose their one weekly shot such bosses because of a dc.
  • GiangbtGiangbt
    Reactions: 200
    Posts: 2
    I created a Kanna in burning world, but everytime i click on the hyper rock the game crashes, but the one from other world still function well. Also for 5 to 15 minute playing game, the game crashes once.
  • GhibleeGhiblee
    Reactions: 3,795
    Posts: 684
    edited November 2021
    Hi everyone,

    The issue where client disconnections and crashes while playing the game for a certain period of time is planned to be addressed during our November 18 Unscheduled Minor Patch maintenance. Please let us know if you still experience this issue after the maintenance, and thank you for your patience.
  • CerealPopzCerealPopz
    Post: 1
    Hi my game is still crashing but worse then yersterday now if i grind for like 4-5mins game crashes i tried to do zakum game crashes as soon as i drop the eye and says im missing files. I reinstalled the game and it didn't help.