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Blaster wearing continuous ring bug and anotherbug

Reactions: 400
Posts: 10
edited January 6 in Bug Reporting
When wearing the continuous ring , blaster often encounters situations where we cannot trigger the ring of continuous,and when we test the ring bug, we found another bug is "After v1(rocket punch) starts and until v4(afterimage shock) ends, the revolving cannon no longer triggers until the end of v1 when it resumes."Due to the considerable physical distance between myself and the game servers, the probability of triggering this bug increases to over 80% when the network environment is poor or when the latency exceeds 100ms. Many blaster players, like myself, are deeply troubled by these two bugs. We believe that the revolving cannon needs real-time feedback to the servers to be triggered, causing a series of bugs. The number of blaster players isn't substantial, but we hope that you will take these bugs seriously and fix them. Thank you.and this is a video about we text the bug:


  • Lostman610Lostman610
    Reactions: 400
    Posts: 10
    edited January 6
    this video is in KMS also trigger the bug
  • Lostman610Lostman610
    Reactions: 400
    Posts: 10
    edited January 6
    We test again when don’t use the v4(afterimage shock) the bug will not trigger
  • Lostman610Lostman610
    Reactions: 400
    Posts: 10
    edited January 8
    Hello hello have anybody there?
    Reactions: 200
    Post: 1
    edited January 11
    [b/bThese two bugs have caused a lot of lack of actual combat experience of blaster. I hope they can be fixed.