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Reactions: 1,145
Posts: 26
edited March 2017 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests
So lets cut to the chase, its 2017 all classes deserve flash jump. Explorer Mages specifically, and at the very least Bishops. with 5th job and the demand for evasion in boss battles i believe these classes deserve there mobility skill like the rest of us i mean were talking about "Magicians" they can use magic, they can teleport, BUT FLASH JUMP NOPE. Lets leave this up for discussion im curious to know why you think it shouldn't be in the game? do you think all classes should or just a limited amount?
  1. Should all classes have flash jump?23 votes
    1. Yes
       52% (12 votes)
    2. No
       48% (11 votes)


  • LearisLearis
    Reactions: 710
    Posts: 17
    edited March 2017
    At the very least classes should have a mobility option horizontally and vertically. I'm about to quit my shade because he has no reliable vertical mobility. I avoid mages because I dislike teleport compared to flash jump, so yeah I'd be for it.
  • moomoovicmoomoovic
    Reactions: 485
    Posts: 4
    edited March 2017
    As a bishop who have solo'ed every boss except lucid, the mobility of teleport is far superior to flash jump in almost every aspect in term of bossing.

    Comparing to FJ which takes time to travel and can't be executed if you are using other skills, mages can always telecast and instantly GTFO the danger zone. Besides, Bishop's teleport in RI stance is instant and lag-free. You can also use teleport to easily avoid lotus laser and magnus spin. I'm 100% sure that skilled bishops will by no means prefer flash jump over teleport.
  • TheOracleTheOracle
    Reactions: 610
    Posts: 6
    edited March 2017
    teleport is nice if theres platforms to tele to, but if there isnt flash jump would be way useful
  • LordRedLordRed
    Reactions: 1,145
    Posts: 26
    edited March 2017
    Learis wrote: »
    At the very least classes should have a mobility option horizontally and vertically. I'm about to quit my shade because he has no reliable vertical mobility. I avoid mages because I dislike teleport compared to flash jump, so yeah I'd be for it.
    the answer to this one is the hook node from 5th job for vertical movement

  • LordRedLordRed
    Reactions: 1,145
    Posts: 26
    edited March 2017
    moomoovic wrote: »
    As a bishop who have solo'ed every boss except lucid, the mobility of teleport is far superior to flash jump in almost every aspect in term of bossing.

    Comparing to FJ which takes time to travel and can't be executed if you are using other skills, mages can always telecast and instantly GTFO the danger zone. Besides, Bishop's teleport in RI stance is instant and lag-free. You can also use teleport to easily avoid lotus laser and magnus spin. I'm 100% sure that skilled bishops will by no means prefer flash jump over teleport.

    i can see your point for bossing, I still dont see FJ being a problem tho as mages i think they deserve both? FJ is too practical for mage classes to be subject out of, i think the perk to the original mages should be there teleport efficiency, but i believe this shouldn't keep them from using FJ . Its long past the times of only NL FJ and i think maple needs to show some love to the original classes and not remind me of how slow maple used to be. But this is my personal opinion, in conclusion Bossing teleport over FJ but any other aspect of training and questing FJ over teleport.
  • LearisLearis
    Reactions: 710
    Posts: 17
    edited March 2017
    LordRed wrote: »
    Learis wrote: »
    At the very least classes should have a mobility option horizontally and vertically. I'm about to quit my shade because he has no reliable vertical mobility. I avoid mages because I dislike teleport compared to flash jump, so yeah I'd be for it.
    the answer to this one is the hook node from 5th job for vertical movement

    They should just give everyone the hook skill when they first start. Why make us wait all the way to 5th job to get it?

  • AggraphineAggraphine
    Reactions: 19,415
    Posts: 3,553
    edited March 2017
    Learis wrote: »
    LordRed wrote: »
    Learis wrote: »
    At the very least classes should have a mobility option horizontally and vertically. I'm about to quit my shade because he has no reliable vertical mobility. I avoid mages because I dislike teleport compared to flash jump, so yeah I'd be for it.
    the answer to this one is the hook node from 5th job for vertical movement

    They should just give everyone the hook skill when they first start. Why make us wait all the way to 5th job to get it?

    Because it's a 5th job skill. If you want it when you first start out on a character, make a Kaiser or Angelic Buster. If you don't like those classes then you're waiting til 5th job.
  • CrystalOraCrystalOra
    Reactions: 3,135
    Posts: 663
    edited March 2017
    Kanna needs flash jump. Her teleport skill has a delay because it is also a blink that can send her to a random place on the map. In the Chu Chu island pq kanna can't jump past the air currents.
  • TubaTuba
    Reactions: 3,175
    Posts: 373
    edited March 2017
    What I want, is for magic guard to be passive for explore mages lol
  • BrianSenseiBrianSensei
    Reactions: 610
    Posts: 16
    edited March 2017
    I don't agree because reasons. (Placeholder comment, maybe i'll edit it later when i get in the mood.)
  • WhorificWhorific
    Reactions: 1,865
    Posts: 84
    edited March 2017
    Teleport is definitely more useful in bossing. It's not ideal for mobility though. Having both would be great.