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Why copy&paste Bishop HS nerf???

Reactions: 3,220
Posts: 342
edited June 2019 in General Chat
I kinda get why kms nerfed bishop's HS. They did it because there were several macro HS sellers in kms (even then, these sellers are only in ez cyg map, so it's not even hard to catch them), but why is gms doing it? We have no problem with macro HS sellers, cause that is just simply not worth anything. Hackers have much better options of botting, which will make them more money than auto selling HS by hundred times fold. This bishop's HS nerf is simply unnecessary in gms. The only reason I can see for nerfing HS is simply to copy&paste kms patch notes. Why can't devs realize that gms and kms are pretty much completely different games, with different available classes, different contents, different endgame gears, and different problems? Why can't they run through kms patch notes and try to separate patches that is not needed for gms, rather than lazily copy&pasting everything down to a letter?


  • MiraMira
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    edited June 2019
    Because more and more divergence in the code between the games leads to more problems when they try and merge them into our version of the game (case in point being the cluster-eff that was our last patch). Everytime a patch comes out from kMS they need to then tailor/remove/edit things so that it matches our version, which leaves more and more possibility for error/bugs. They probably won't change it since it's simply another divergence they would have to address every patch, and clearly their track record with being able to manage changes is piss poor.

    This change has basically destroyed party play for Bishops, because Decent Holy Symbol is going to always be better unless you're in a small enough map where the buff is going to remain at 100% effectiveness at all times.
  • Penguinz0Penguinz0
    Reactions: 3,220
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    edited June 2019
    Mira wrote: »
    Because more and more divergence in the code between the games leads to more problems when they try and merge them into our version of the game (case in point being the cluster-eff that was our last patch). Everytime a patch comes out from kMS they need to then tailor/remove/edit things so that it matches our version, which leaves more and more possibility for error/bugs. They probably won't change it since it's simply another divergence they would have to address every patch, and clearly their track record with being able to manage changes is piss poor.

    This change has basically destroyed party play for Bishops, because Decent Holy Symbol is going to always be better unless you're in a small enough map where the buff is going to remain at 100% effectiveness at all times.

    But who cares if it cause more errors & bugs, when every single patch leads to cluster fxking bugs & errors anyway? Just from this patch, they had a day long maint, and probably even more will follow. They always have errors and rows of maint after every big patch. Honestly, I would be fine with having several maint to fix the error stemming from changing kms codes. At least then, I would understand that they're price needed to be paid so that gms can actually have patch that gms needs. For me there are two things that can happen: Have several maint after patch and still get copy&pasted kms patch that includes things that are completely unnecessary for gms, or have more maint after patch but get patch that fits gms. I would prefer latter.
  • FuhreakFuhreak
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    edited June 2019
    Penguinz0 wrote: »
    But who cares if it cause more errors & bugs, when every single patch leads to cluster fxking bugs & errors anyway? Just from this patch, they had a day long maint, and probably even more will follow.

    This is what they're trying to stop by bringing GMS and KMS closer together.
    Nexon would probably like to spend more time developing the game than spending time/money on a alternate version of the game that's just always broken.
    It sounds to me like you'd be willing to put up with 48 hour maint periods (It's happened before). I know I sure as hell don't want that.
  • pimboy12pimboy12
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    edited June 2019
    Fuhreak wrote: »
    Penguinz0 wrote: »
    But who cares if it cause more errors & bugs, when every single patch leads to cluster fxking bugs & errors anyway? Just from this patch, they had a day long maint, and probably even more will follow.

    This is what they're trying to stop by bringing GMS and KMS closer together.
    Nexon would probably like to spend more time developing the game than spending time/money on a alternate version of the game that's just always broken.
    It sounds to me like you'd be willing to put up with 48 hour maint periods (It's happened before). I know I sure as hell don't want that.

    Why doesnt NexonNA make use of their test servers, they already know the content that is coming in 6 months. 6 full months of testing and preparing for the patch. For example, the Glory patch is already being tested in Korea. But instead no tests are done, and it ends up a buggy mess. It is a bad workflow that hurts the players.
  • StarryKnightStarryKnight
    Reactions: 1,935
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    edited June 2019
    Hire competent programmers and give them sufficient time to work on the game before releasing it instead of trying to fix everything afterwards. There is absolutely no reason why the game is not ready to go before its deployed, as pim stated, that's why there are things like test servers and beta testers. Theres no reason why the game should be that difficult to integrate into GMS, The fact that they are trying to get to the point that all they have to do is translate the text and release is pretty lazy and seems more like a method of picking profits over players. Which ok, I understand, its a business, but come on.
  • FuhreakFuhreak
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    edited June 2019
    pimboy12 wrote: »
    Why doesnt NexonNA make use of their test servers, they already know the content that is coming in 6 months. 6 full months of testing and preparing for the patch. For example, the Glory patch is already being tested in Korea. But instead no tests are done, and it ends up a buggy mess. It is a bad workflow that hurts the players.

    Probably not enough population for it. With the Korean devs it's (probably) as simple as going back in and fixing bugs that players find.
    With GMS it's fixing the bug while making sure you don't create 20 more. They've had the test servers in the past and stuff still ends up broken.
    Also the patch isn't going to be ready for testing for all 6 of those months. They most likely have to change a lot of stuff to get it to a playable state.
    A "bad workflow that hurts the players." would be waiting 2 years for patches for the same results.
    Despite how buggy GMS can be sometimes, their workflow is pretty fast given the circumstances.
    Theres no reason why the game should be that difficult to integrate into GMS
    I take it you've never heard of spaghetti code. Years of bad programming then handing it off to different people is always a nightmare.
    It's possible that KMS is also spaghetti code, given how quickly MMO have to be developed.
    This makes it possible that GMS is spaghetti on top of spaghetti.
    The fact that they are trying to get to the point that all they have to do is translate the text and release is pretty lazy and seems more like a method of picking profits over players. Which ok, I understand, its a business, but come on.

    As a player I'd personally love that. I personally see a lot of the GMS content as not caring about players, since it ruins (imo) the progression of the game.
    Localization is frowned upon for a lot of games (I'd argue most). I'd rather as little get lost in translation as possible. That includes stuff other than the script.
  • JushiroNetJushiroNet
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    edited June 2019
    HS nerf is a little weird but you don't need multiple PC or to buy hs in kms anymore.

    GMS on the other hand has no intention of freeing us from kishin.
  • FuhreakFuhreak
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    edited June 2019
    JushiroNet wrote: »
    HS nerf is a little weird but you don't need multiple PC or to buy hs in kms anymore.

    GMS on the other hand has no intention of freeing us from kishin.

    And this is why I never had any interest in Kishin. It's too good to be true, feels like a first party private server skill.
    Once you use those kinds of things, you either cheat yourself out of enjoyment by taking shortcuts, or you become addicted to it and can't play without it.
    Either way, no thanks.
  • DienstagDienstag
    Reactions: 820
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    edited June 2019
    Fuhreak wrote: »
    JushiroNet wrote: »
    HS nerf is a little weird but you don't need multiple PC or to buy hs in kms anymore.

    GMS on the other hand has no intention of freeing us from kishin.

    And this is why I never had any interest in Kishin. It's too good to be true, feels like a first party private server skill.
    Once you use those kinds of things, you either cheat yourself out of enjoyment by taking shortcuts, or you become addicted to it and can't play without it.
    Either way, no thanks.

    From what i've noticed.. Without kishin and a leech Kanna you can still get 0.5% per 1 min at the 220-230 range at 100% burning maps. Ideally you should be cubed and geared to one shot. and do note you have 30 hours of fury totems a month.

    Kishin is ahead if you have an aran and rev 3 or CLP map slots from the 3000+ combos you rack up, that was until the recent nerfs..

    I feel the HS nerfs on my bishop though.. slurpee is too far to get the full HS buff even from top to bottom as a bishop. It's essentially a solo +70% xp skill.

    Fury totem + 100% Map burning -> 100% map burning solo-> Kishin Leech
    Self HS -> Decent HS -> party play HS
  • JushiroNetJushiroNet
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    edited June 2019
    It's bad game design that makes kishin/frenzy/furry feel necessary in the first place.

    We should have maps available to us where mobs are strong enough to take several hits before dieing - while giving proportional rewards.

    Instead we all go to wherever we can 1 shot and amplify the spawn.
  • FuhreakFuhreak
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    edited June 2019
    JushiroNet wrote: »
    It's bad game design that makes kishin/frenzy/furry feel necessary in the first place.

    We should have maps available to us where mobs are strong enough to take several hits before dieing - while giving proportional rewards.

    Instead we all go to wherever we can 1 shot and amplify the spawn.

    I think this can be somewhat countered by just rushing through content as fast as possible while in a party.
    You'll get more EXP and always be slightly underpowered (Similar to if you don't get carried before hitting 200.)
    For those who can one shot, there should be higher level map alternatives. It's a bit strange that only Vanishing Journey has an option like this.
  • JushiroNetJushiroNet
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    edited June 2019
    Fuhreak wrote: »
    I think this can be somewhat countered by just rushing through content as fast as possible while in a party.
    You'll get more EXP and always be slightly underpowered (Similar to if you don't get carried before hitting 200.)
    For those who can one shot, there should be higher level map alternatives. It's a bit strange that only Vanishing Journey has an option like this.

    I'm not sure if I am understanding your comment, but if you mean that strong map options would lead to party play again...

    That sounds like a very good thing!
  • FuhreakFuhreak
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    edited June 2019
    JushiroNet wrote: »
    I'm not sure if I am understanding your comment, but if you mean that strong map options would lead to party play again...

    That sounds like a very good thing!

    I mean if you play with a party starting from level 1, you won't need as much power since the other party members can kill the rest of the map.
    You don't need to oneshot the map if there are 5 others just as slow taking out the rest of the map.
    For players who HAVE hit that point of one shot, there should be stronger map options that even high level players with good range can't one shot.
    The HP/EXP ratio should be a lot lower than the lower level maps, but that won't matter because they're wasting so much range on current maps anyway.
  • ApocalyptianApocalyptian
    Reactions: 2,330
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    edited November 2019
    I am a 230 Bishop and extremely unhappy with this and how things have occured. I honestly hate being a bishop now, it used to be fun and with party systems and everything meet fun new people. Now we too are in the list of worthless classes no one needs except for "door" while bossing. They seriously need to un nerf HS for us, its a sad day when we get replaced by an array of nodestones because its "more efficient" why not put meditate in there too for us since they have all our other unique skills too!
    Funny thing even bishops get spammed with that stupid message of "you are walking away from a character with holy symbol" like seriously....I have it too dont spam me. Its one of the stupidest things I have seen. If anything kinshin is more taken advantage of by far, and the fact this game is ever more turning from a party based togetherness game to just doing things on your own and endless dailies is heartbreaking. Oh and dont forget the endless grinding too, made more fun by the fact your either going to have to train alone or with someone glued to your pixelated butt!
    woot for kms 2.0 (said no one ever)!
  • Penguinz0Penguinz0
    Reactions: 3,220
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    edited November 2019
    No joke tho. GMS dev team better start do their jobs and manage "global server" rather than copy&paste kms. Just look at KMS dev team. You see how they will never introduce any bs items like Firestarter Ring, Frenzy Totem, BoD, ridiculous skill like kishin to their kms server? It's because they manage KMS server and they know those kind of stuff from other server will ruin kms server. Why can't GMS do the same thing, and keep ridiculous stuff like HS nerf from KMS away from GMS as it doesn't make sense to have it in GMS. GMS population is so much lower than KMS, so party activity is already dwindling. There's no HS abuse problem in GMS, yet they still bring in this nerf at the cost of great long loved party skill. This is just GMS dev team not doing their job of managing gms server and just simply copy and pasting kms server instead.
  • ApocalyptianApocalyptian
    Reactions: 2,330
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    edited November 2019
    Penguinz0 wrote: »
    No joke tho. GMS dev team better start do their jobs and manage "global server" rather than copy&paste kms. Just look at KMS dev team. You see how they will never introduce any bs items like Firestarter Ring, Frenzy Totem, BoD, ridiculous skill like kishin to their kms server? It's because they manage KMS server and they know those kind of stuff from other server will ruin kms server. Why can't GMS do the same thing, and keep ridiculous stuff like HS nerf from KMS away from GMS as it doesn't make sense to have it in GMS. GMS population is so much lower than KMS, so party activity is already dwindling. There's no HS abuse problem in GMS, yet they still bring in this nerf at the cost of great long loved party skill. This is just GMS dev team not doing their job of managing gms server and just simply copy and pasting kms server instead.

    We beg them and beg them but no one seems to give a crap at all. Its sad actually since bishops used to be important members of the community when we were in a party focused system. Now bishops are obsolete and we explorers came before any of the other classes. Talk about no respect right?
    I dont think they will ever change it back or have more interesting things to do 200+ but grind endlessly and do dailies. Where is the togetherness? Isnt that what this game is about is sharing your own "maple story" with others and enjoying it together? I honestly think they like most companies have lost sight on what's important and the quality is really lacking since they got too big too fast. Its basic business sense people...if you do not listen to your clientele that care enough to tell you of issues and find some sort of solution then what point is it to even do what your doing? We are not KMS and we will never be KMS. We are equal but seperate.

    Sidenote: I think they have those ring things for us because people are rich and throw money away at it like its nothing and the USD is worth more than korean currency. Its a greed thing I am sure. They should actually use that money and hire people who can really make this game great again. Change the dynamic, get it back on its feet. Bring back the veteran players we all miss or that gave this up years ago, ya know what I mean?

    I miss the days when we would go have fun and train together and it would be about the fun experiences you have or things you find. Just to make your character more unique and different. Then we would all hang out with everyone at Henesys Hunting Grounds and spend hours goofing off or helping noobs with thier quests. Those are the memories that mean something, that started this game as it was. They need to go back to that because it would really be the key to them reviving this thing.