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Cannot compete Ark quest + more as Burning

Reactions: 100
Post: 1
edited July 2019 in Bug Reporting
Bug type: Quest Completion Error with "Burning Character"**

Brief bug summary: Questline containing a requirement of killing a certain number of enemies in a map does not count the monsters killed.

(anything not included in the other sections of your report):

Tested this on an Ark with the Burning Event effect, have had others tell me this also applied to the Pathfinder quest "[Partem Ruins] What Morin Said" as well seems to apply to all burning characters.

Steps to reproduce:

Tested on Ark**
Create a Burning character, Follow through the main questline as normal, Upon starting the quest "Mar's in an Ocean of Trouble" kill mobs in the map. (There is no indicator of them being killed and counted.)

Character name :ArkCzar

Character level: 10

Character job: Ark

World name: Mardia

Date and time of the incident: 5:15 EST Post V.206 Update.


  • OkhuraOkhura
    Reactions: 4,185
    Posts: 594
    edited July 2019
    Thanks, it's been forwarded.
  • rebelsfuryrebelsfury
    Reactions: 300
    Post: 1
    edited July 2019
    I've had the same issue with burning and creating a cadena and ark character where you can't go past the initial first job advancement and story quest of killing these spawn does nothing.
  • MageTabithaMageTabitha
    Reactions: 610
    Posts: 9
    edited July 2019
    had the same issue, just gave up and made a xenon which ALSO has a problem during "exposed" where roo-d never pops up :( phantom seems to be ok so far tho
  • CarrotHaterCarrotHater
    Reactions: 100
    Post: 1
    Same issue here. Created a Shade and Cadena in Bera and both of my burning characters are stuck in levels where the enemies are not counted as killed, while also the quest cannot be forfeited so both characters are just stuck in an offshoot map.