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  • Nexon changing Donald



    changing the npc won't change the fact that Donald Trump is president and the God Emperor of Kekistan
  • Arlong's Sonnets of Woe

    So the new year event is over now and all my coins are wasted. I shall express my rage in the only way I know how. Through a Shakespearean sonnet.

    Sonnet 180.1.0

    For many a moons nexon doth neglect
    To mend the ailment of thine server's heart.
    The players vexed from lag and disconnect,
    I do prophesy many shall depart.
    And with a serpent's tongue they hath excuse,
    Aware are we and investigating.
    The people grow numb, know well of thy ruse
    Oh fortune's fool! As surely comes the spring!
    But further, banished was the rooster's shop,
    And when the clock doth struck the final hour,
    Thou still hadst not made the requested swap.
    A tempest shall blow as the mood turns sour.
    Our toils and gold gone as dust in the wind,
    A plague on your office for thou hath sinned!
  • Nexon, come on now

    1/10th of what is said is resolved you say? Then the solution is for us to complain 100 times as much. We will need every able man, woman and child constantly complaining around the clock. To the trenches!
  • Nexon, come on now

    Ok, this was funny at first. hahah all the players are disconnecting and lagging, yea hahahah.
    But this isn't funny anymore.
    Come on now, we know you have that big red button in nexon hq that erases all lag and latency.
    Push it already.
    We got all these coins from these events but we can't get to the shop to spend them because event hall is lag hell.
  • Lagonball



    With the tournament over, master Jungju tells Arlong and Nigel to take a break from training. Arlong decides to search for the Lagonball that belonged to her grandpa. She flies off and decides to go swimming but someone has stolen her clothes and stuff including the Lagonball radar. She manages to find everything except the Lagonball radar. Arlong tracks down the thief to get the radar back but he sold it to a pawn shop. Arlong runs to the pawn shop where she finds the radar and sees that a Lagonball is right there. Then, Pilag and Neet come out of the shop having bought the Lagonball from the shop owner. Realizing that they bought the Lagonball Arlong was looking for, she chases them. Pilag and Neet manage to escape on an aircraft but there they realize that the Lagonball they had bought was a fake. Back at the shop, the Red Basil Army show up demanding the Lagonball. They instantly realize it is fake and kill the shop owner. In actuality, there was a different but real Lagonball on the roof of the shop in a bird's nest, however a bird flies away with it from the gunshot sounds.