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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
V Coin skins did not apply after activation
I purchased a random v coin damage skin box and received a keyboard warrior skin that did not show up within my skin selection after applying it. I also purchased the 200 coin flame damage skin that did not apply after it's application. The only skin that activated and shows up within my skin selection is the ChuChu island damage skin that I also purchased along with the other 2. Please resolve this issue
. I've already contacted support about this, but they basically called me a liar. This in itself is a bit frustrating given that I've been a Maplestory player for well over 10 years at this point, yet I was treated in the most unfriendly and unprofessional way I can think of when reaching out to support from MMO staff team.
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When you apply a damage skin, it changes your current skin, but you have to manually save it to your collection if you want it to still be available to you after you apply another damage skin.
If you just clicked all three skins one after the other, then yes, you'll only have the last one you clicked.