'Ey guys,
As a guild leader myself and having owned several level 25 guilds in the past, I have some points that I really think would improve the guild system. These changes range from huge updates to minor adjustments. Thankyou if you take the time to read this!
>>>Possibly revamping the weekly guild pots? I mean really, we get like 60 untradable pots - you can get up to 1.5k power elixirs daily from bosses that are tradable. Maybe something like being able to choose 1 option from several scrolls - eg. 5 clean slate scrolls, 3 cubics, 2 chaos cubics, 1 protection, 1 guardian, etc.? Even if these were given fortnightly or even monthly.
I think it'd be cool if you get more scrolls for how much contribution you have made for the guild that week, fortnight, or month - as this would increase party play [as you need to boss with guildies to gain contribution]. Eg. 20k contribution = 1 choice of scrolls, 50k = 2 choice of scrolls etc
>>>It'd be great to get a revamp to the guild emblem design area. So many guilds have similar emblems now since there is only a small selection of designs that are actually liked. The editor itself isn't even a great representation of what the emblem will end up looking like - often when I first created my current guild the emblem would look totally inaccurate / horrible compared to what the editor had presented.
It'd be cool to have an option to turn off the guild emblem too - I definitely know that sometimes the guild emblem may not work with everyone's aesthetic, and since alot of players love their looks I think it'd be a great option to be able to disable the emblem.
>>>Just a general UI update? Possibly including the buddy tab window? everything looks so slick now, till you open guild or buddy tab in my opinion - I reckon with an update it'd all look incredibly smooth and boooootiful
>>>Guild or Alliance PQ? I know there has probably been a million suggestions of this, but I definitely think this will help to bring back players' attention to maple. A daily guild PQ with decent rewards will definitely bring interest to this game. (On a side note, we need more pq's in general for higher levels that actually have EXP gain or rewards - CHU CHU IS AMAZEBALLS)
>>>As a guild leader, it's often hard to tell if someone is inactive or active. With all of these unscheduled maintenances, it gets kinda hard to keep track of who doesnt have ??? or how long theyve been at that status. Which results in inactves being left in the guild, or actives accidentally being kicked. It'd be great to add an extra column on the right hand side that states when they player last logged onto maple!! I understand that players go to ???, as it reduces the amount of data that gets loaded after patches, but a last-login date would be so so so so so helpful - and im sure for alot of other guild leaders and juniors. Please? xD
>>>When someone has requested to join the guild, if you click the little N recruitment window, you have no way of closing it. You either have to accept or deny the person - and you can't even see their full ign! This is so frustrating, as I really don't want to add EVERYONE that requests to join the guild as there could be scammers or bots (or just @ssholes :P). I can't even friend them and deny them to talk to them later about joining the guild, since we cant see their full ign. The only option I really have is to accept them then kick, so I can actually see their full name in order to buddy them and talk to them later. I feel like that's just unneccessary? I know this is minor, but it'd be great if it was fixed.
~I know this is a huge read, and again I appreciate anyone who takes the time to look at it
and on that 0.000000000000000000000001% chance that a GM actually reads this, itd be great to at least see the minor things i mentioned fixed (Larger recruitment window and close button, Last-login column)
-ChewyShadows (Jake, Leader of Interlude)
I prefer they just revamp GPQ(the old one that we can go today) and make more suitable to the Today's maple, partialy making not so easy to pass if you know how to do, and more hp to the ergoth too, maybe making dificulties, that change his Hp besides the Guild party quest. Also make the bonus stage better, the rewards are kind trash(the old CWPQ have better rewards for any age of maple), they can drop cubes and maybe some special guild potions too.