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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Is there an update schedule available anywhere?
I need to know if there will be a scheduled update tomorrow before I buy 2x exp. Is there a schedule available for future reference so that players will know when the scheduled maintenances will take place?
It's "scheduled" for Nexon, but we are never told more than 12 hours in advance.
Generally speaking, ordinary weekly maintenances are on Thursdays at 7AM PST, and game updates (patches) are on Wednesdays and usually earlier in the morning (so they can end before the American kids get home from school). However, that's not set in stone.
One thing you should know is that Cash items are extended for the duration of the maintenance. So if the game is down for 3 hours, your 2x card will be extended by 3 hours. You'll get what you paid for (whether it's 4 hours or 24), the only question is whether it will be during a time you're able to play.