Howdy! I'm ArchanIomhar of Broa. I'm a level 140 Bow Master (or at least I will be by the end of the day, haha). I've gotten back around to the game after about 10 years of not playing and realized that things were very different from back when I was younger. Or at least... the way I now perceive things have drastically changed... the way I fit into the community has drastically changed.
So of course, after 10 years, any guild I would have been a part of or any friends I may have had are long gone... the fact that the account I started with is null and void may also have to do with that. So... in the past month or so I have been playing, things have been a little lonely, but attempting to interact with people, I realized something incredibly uncomfortable. Many players... are so much younger than I am. And its easier to find younger players than it is people my age, so I want to have a guild of adult players.
Now, I don't instate this rule because I want to discriminate against younger players, but because from my experience as an adult on communities with a 13+ yo age requirement, younger children still find their way online and sometimes they try to interact with older players, even 18+ yo players, as if they were that age. And as an adult, when you find out that you were treating a child like an adult... it gets super weird?? Generally, it's an incredibly awkward experience, regardless if you are the adult or the child. I want to have a guild of 18+ year old players so that there's at least a space where such an interaction won't happen. ...Or at least the chances of such an interaction would be drastically reduced.
So... I just need some folks who want to be the founding members. I have at least one more besides me. And the we can recruit from there. I'm stuck between the names MapleSTARS or TreeStarTroop.
As far as any of the typical requirements? Uh...
*Social- We want friendly people. Fun people! People who are polite and respectful of all players of the guild. Treat all your guildmates with an open mind.
*Level and Skill- Well shoot. You can be any level! Levelling seems to happen fast so if you're like... not level 50 now, you probably will be next week lmao.
*Active- I won't kick you if you're inactive for like... I dunno... two weeks or something? I'll have a Discord or something set up so that when life happens (we're all gonna be adults, I get that we have jobs or college and junk to deal with), please let us know what's up with your life! I don't like worrying about folks, and I don't like punishing people for things they can't control.
*No Hacking, Botting, Modding- I shouldn't say why I won't be dealing with this. Just don't do it. I will not tolerate cheaters.
Goals? I don't know. We help each other out. Got any questions about things? Don't be afraid to ask about it. Also I'm gonna have a poll for the guildname. Please only vote if you plan on joining the guild.