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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Just plain shameful nexon
So I was doing the holloween event and got to the part with the dress, when I opened up the chest ghosts came out so I killed them and left assuming it was a trap. Saw the quest wasn't completed and now I can't continue. WTF Nexon you leave a glitch in that stops players from completling an event. WTH is the event there in the first place if there's a glitch of that nature. Seriously Nexon you should fix this. You wonder why your losing popularity but you ignore things like this. Though not as much of an issue the dual blade package quest has been broken for 6 YEARS now. Procrastination much. If you would fix things from a moral standpoint and not a monetary standpoint you would likely be far more popular and save money in the long run.
Especially since a lot of people are reporting getting disconnected while fighting the ghosts.
Case in point my Evan crashed a grand total of one time in the whole mess. My Shade, on the other hand, I gave up after crash #6 trying to get the invisible cloth or whatever.