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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
I don't think I am stuck. There are invisible ways to get up to the next level, because I have done it with my other characters. I don't know how to take a screen shot, or I would post it here for you to see. I have to go up two more levels, and neither of them have ropes/vines to climb up on. If someone can tell me how to take a screenshot, than I can post one here and show you. I have to go to Henesey's and deliver a letter to Gustav in Henesey's Park. I just turned level 20, and I was 18 1/2 when I started this. But buy fighting mushrooms, I went up a bit. On my keyboard, it says Print Screen. That is the easy part, but than how do I get from the Print Screen part to the part where you can add the picture to a file on your computer? Oh, Nevermind about the stuck part. Someone came along and did it and I followed him. But I would still like to know about the print screen part? Please and Thank You
Moderator note:
Please Read this:
Posting Guidelines - Stuck Characters
It creates an image file, by default in your MapleStory folder (you can change the location from the Graphics Options in your System Options, from the Gear menu).
Alternatively, if you use your computer's Print Screen key, you need to open any graphic editor (Windows' built-in Paint utility is good enough for that), Paste (ctrl-V by default) the image thus captured, trim away everything but the Maple window (or the parts of it you want to show), and save the image to a file.
Thank You Very Much for helping me with this