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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
KMS' 14th Anniversary Job Balancing in a nutshell
On the bright side, Lucky items will now count toward multiple sets, as long as you have at least 3 parts of a set equipped.
No need for Google Translate when there's OrangeMushroom: https://orangemushroom.net/2017/04/20/kmst-ver-1-2-049-voice-of-mapler-job-balancing/
Everything written in red in the skill updates is a nerf.
Personally, not liking the removal of the 150+ exception to "monsters of your level range". Makes attendances and event drop farming considerably more tedious.
Also something that doesn't appear there but Insoya says is that Summon Duration buffs (from character cards or monster life) no longer apply to 5th job summons. That sucks.
As for the new rune system, I find it needlessly complicated (and therefore prone to bugs), and ultimately ineffective. Hackers can activate runes already, and non-hacking botters will simply change channel every 4 minutes, causing even more of a nuisance to players trying to use the map, and also stopping burning fields.
You might want take a look at this suggestion:
Same here. I was like... wow we are gaining even more summon duration on Bourning Soul Blade
I am kinda happy now.
So many things so many..
Senseless nerfs when they could just buff up classes to an equal level , Blaster isn't even that strong wtf.
The monster life change to summon durations
The whole monsters within your level range bs change it's like the Ascension update 2.0
The rune changes are complete rubbish screw that hope it doesn't leave KMST did you even read it properly?
Meh the fact we don't have Hekaton yet when it worked fine in EMS... and they removed it there for whatever reason.
Ursus is a buff really needed? I mean it's hard enough not everyone has broken asf damage. Ok meso reward increased great but it's just catering to funded players again.....
Like mining/harvesting wasn't broken enough because of the bug now they add a mini game in what is even the point? Do people bot these? Pretty sure they don't.......
Increase in minimum level for content when nothing changes in it They say it was an error that characters lower than level 100 could access it . lol no it wasn't it was always meant to be this way.
If it isn't broken don't fix it.