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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
So, my account which I use to play the game has years and hours upon hours of memories, I logged in about six months ago and finally have time to play again and now I can't. Nothing works, no passwords I would've had for it work at all.
My brother made the account for me when I was younger, and the email associated with it is long gone, I think hotmail deletes idle email addresses. So I'm hoping Nexon can change the email for me, but what gives? I never changed any information and could log on just fine before, and now I can't
Thanks for your help.
If the email address has never been "verified" (Nexon sends you mail with a link you need to click), then you won't be able to log in.
Contact Customer Support (you might need to create a new account for this) and tell them that the email to your old account no longer exists. (Don't tell them your brother made the account, since "account sharing" is not allowed).
They have a procedure they go through to ascertain that you're the real owner of the account: they ask you some questions and they ask for a government-issued ID (the name on it doesn't have to match the name on the account), and then they will change the email address to whatever you tell them.
Good luck.
I told them he made it for me since I was young but never specified if he used it which he didn't.
But the email doesn't exist anymore hotmail says. I also send them the correct information and showed them my photo ID / drivers license.
I know what the original email is, it just won't let me log into it nor my Nexon account anymore.
I haven't gotten a response yet but I gave them my main characters name, the email, the name and birthday on the account, and my ID which is what it asked for.
But since I mentioned my brother made the account for me I assume I'm SOL?
We'll have to wait and see.
Good luck.