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Luna server no discount box

Reactions: 1,325
Posts: 23
edited May 2017 in Bug Reporting
Bug type:
I didn't get the discount box icon while the event says everyone gets one at 10 AM CEST when online. I logged in 10 mins before that didnt get the box notificationso no box either.

Character name: WiTuLo
Character level: 210
Character Job: Aran
World name: Luna
Date and time: 10AM CEST


  • PerceptivityPerceptivity
    Reactions: 2,820
    Posts: 239
    edited May 2017
    Have u tried to relog? I just logged on Luna and i have it
  • BfortbattleBfortbattle
    Reactions: 1,325
    Posts: 23
    edited May 2017
    Yes i already did, but it's already fixed now, i randomly got it an hour and 40 mins later while grinding. Not sure what could've caused the delay