With the current system it's currently extremely difficult on any lower level character to farm these effectively, if at all. How it works now is if I enter a fresh map on my level 85 Mihile, the mobs will spawn as level 85. The problem is that if someone higher level enters your map even if they don't kill anything, any monsters that respawn while they're there will spawn with their level instead. Currently in my channel every map is infested with level 228 and 232 mobs that one shot me if I dare make the mistake of damaging them which is really lame.
I second this. It would be awesome if they fix this in the maintenance tomorrow but it's not currently listed. It's not really fair that one should have to worry about a lvl 250 popping into your map and increasing the mob levels by like 20 to even 100 (for those around lvl 150).
It's a bug, not a suggestion. It can't possibly be intended that everyone share timers and mob levels.
The timers I agree with. I thought about posting it as a bug but I figured Nexon might have tried to make it this way so you could enter with friends or something.
It's a bug, not a suggestion. It can't possibly be intended that everyone share timers and mob levels.
The timers I agree with. I thought about posting it as a bug but I figured Nexon might have tried to make it this way so you could enter with friends or something.
If that were the case, then you'd have to party up before entering, and the party would have an instanced map to itself.
It's a bug, not a suggestion. It can't possibly be intended that everyone share timers and mob levels.
The timers I agree with. I thought about posting it as a bug but I figured Nexon might have tried to make it this way so you could enter with friends or something.
If that were the case, then you'd have to party up before entering, and the party would have an instanced map to itself.
Of course that would be the logical way to do it, but Nexon isn't exactly known for thinking things through.
The timers I agree with. I thought about posting it as a bug but I figured Nexon might have tried to make it this way so you could enter with friends or something.
If that were the case, then you'd have to party up before entering, and the party would have an instanced map to itself.
Of course that would be the logical way to do it, but Nexon isn't exactly known for thinking things through.