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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Channel Crashing on Reboot?
So today, doing my dailies as normal, me and a random Hayato (if you are on the forums sorry I don't remember your IGN) were doing Happy Erdas...happily. Suddenly, I noticed ye olde laaaag. Then suddenly, the game disconnects. I try to log onto teh channel I was on before. I cannot. I have noticed Channel 1 on Reboot has been crashed for a while today...any other channels/worlds suffering this issue?
Source: http://forums.maplestory.nexon.net/discussion/comment/48240/#Comment_48240
That actually happened on my Kanna...wow.
Same with Channel 13 when I was doing NRA with guild. and Channel 14 was laggy as all get-up. Channel 12, the refuge...is lagging now too.