Buffs that have the same cooldown duration should have the option to be macro'd so like the decent abilities from nodes. There's only so much space on the keyboard so why not make it easier to have multiple buffs on one key instead of one buff per key. You can then put that macro on a hotkey and it show the remaining cooldown time before using it again.
Yeah, Id love to macro Dark Metamorphosis with my Decent Advanced blessing. Or really any of my annoying cooldown skills. Just don't allow the use of the macro until the cooldown is done. :T
Showing the cooldown until you can use the macro again wouldn't work very well. What if you have multiple cooldown skills on the same macro? They should just make the system smarter so that it skips over any skills that are still on cooldown. Also extend the macro capacity to 4 skills at least. There are so many classes that have 3 buffs and maple warrior.