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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
[SCANIA] R> Genetic (New Guild July 2017)
Guild: Genetic
Guild Leader: Genètic
Member Count: 30
Genetic was made on July 2, 2017. This guild was made to help keep like minded players and individuals in a close knit group that can communicate and coordinate runs on a daily basis. As of now were new, but working closely with our Alliances, while learning a lot a long the way.
Our guild (Genetic) welcomes you! (You must be decently active). We accept all new and old players to our guild with a 140+ level requirement. As of now Genetic is not holding interviews as a requirement to join. (This may be changed in future)
If you are in fact interested in joining our guild Genetic, please contact me via whisper, buddy list or sending a request to join. Any players that would like to join Genetic can also leave their IGN as a reply to this post. I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Thanks!
Genetic Leader:
Genètic - Guild Master
Any and all updates as pertaining to the guild, requirements or rules will be updated accordingly.