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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
[FUNCTIONALITY] Cursed Runes Out of Bounds
Bug type: Functionality
Brief bug summary: Cursed Runes can spawn beyond map boundaries, preventing removal.
More details: Specific maps will be listed below.
Character name: MegaScience
Character level: 225
Character job: Shadower
World name: Windia
Date and time of the incident: 08/30/2017
alien base corridor 6.
ghost ship 2
chu chu river maps(lures cant be used so curse doesnt lift.
any update known?
do the devs know about the issue?
Description: Map pop-up requesting use of rune on a map where no rune is visible.
At time of posting, Ghost Ship 2 on Chs 16/17/18 have the same issue.