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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Beauty Salon,scroll wheel doesn't work in face tab
Bug type: Ui, Beauty Salon System, Functionality
Brief bug summary: The mouse scroll wheel doesn't function in the face tab.
More details: In the face you cannot scroll up or down using the mouse scroll wheel, unless you hover over the scroller, however the mouse scroll wheel works fine in the hair tab.
Steps to reproduce:
1. Open the equipment window then press the salon key
2. Click on the face tab, and try to scroll up/down using the mouse scroll wheel
3. Now try to scroll while the mouse hovers over the scroller
( In the video i scroll with my mouse scroll wheel in both the hair and face tab, but as you can see you cannot scroll using the mouse scroll wheel in the face tab, unless you hover over the scroller. )
*You should be able to scroll using the mouse scroll wheel in the face tab even while not hovering over the scroller.
*This is what i'm referring to to as the scroller:
Character name: irrelevant
Character level: irrelevant
Character job: irrelevant
World name: irrelevant
Date and time of the incident: i believe it started to happen since the v.189 midnight monster bash update
*I Cannont scroll up/down using the mouse scroll wheel in the "face tab" while hovering over the face slots, i can only scroll whlie hovering over the scroller in the "Beauty Salon".
I can however scroll freely in hair tab even when I'm not hovering my mouse over the scroller.
In the video above: i used the mouse scroll wheel to scroll in both: the hair and face tabs, but as you could see in the face tab it would only scroll when i hover over the scroller.
I have noticed that when i try to scroll up or down with my mouse scroll wheel it moves the hair tab up/down even when I'm at the face tab.
Can someone else try to scroll using the mouse scroll wheel in the face tab and let me know if I'm the only one with this problem, i also reinstalled ms and it didn't fix it sadly.
My main problem is that I can't use the mouse scroll wheel to scroll in the face tab.
(The mouse scroll wheel works in the face tab only if i'm hovering over the scroller ingame)