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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Nerfs in the form of bug fixes
Many bugs in the game can create visual errors at best and hamper your gameplay at worst, and they are reported in the forums, requesting them to be fixed in the future. But then there are some bugs that are beneficial to your gameplay, only to have the exploits get "fixed", so you can't abuse it anymore. If a helpful bug gets fixed, then that fix ends up being a nerf.
An example of a nerf from a bug fix is Bishop's Level 20 Angel Ray Boost Bonus once able to bypass Righteously Indignant's Max Target decreasing effect. A more recent bugfix nerf is, the Scarlet Ring no longer applys to an equipment type if you are already wearing the set equipment of that type. An example of this is, if you have a Superior Gollux Ring and a Scarlet Ring equipped, the Scarlet Ring will not count toward the Superior Gollux Set, because the set's Ring "slot" is used by the Superior Gollux Ring, leaving no valid "slots" for the Scarlet Ring.
Sometimes, a bug gets to be declared intentional in gameplay. One time, a KMS test patch implemented a bugfix nerf where Dark Knight's Evil Eye Boost no longer affects Radiant Evil, but was averted in the live patch. The nerf was averted because Radiant Evil's skill description says, "Skills that boost the damage of Evil Eye of Domination affect this skill", and the Evil Eye - Reinforce passive Hyper Skill increases the damage of Evil Eye of Domination, thus increasing Radiant Evil's damage as well. If Dark Knight's Evil Eye Boost no longer affected Radiant Evil, this would have created a contradiction in Radiant Evil's skill description. Because KMS declared Evil Eye Boost enhancing Radiant Evil intentional, Evil Eye Boost's skill description has been updated to now include Radiant Evil.
Have you ever had something you like taken away from you because of a bug fix?