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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
*salt post (yes I know that is what this section of the forums is for, but still, semi-disclaimer, xd)
I get that everyone was new to the game at one point, but it really irks me when a "forum nub" (someone with low post counts and low reactions, basically someone new to the forums [and by semi-implication, new to the game, probs]) talks to me about something like they know more about it than I do (not saying that I know everything about anything in this game, and yes, there's been many times where someone's told me something I didn't know or misunderstood). And I mean this as even when they're trying to be helpful, not just the instances where they're just being completely stupid.
Here's the example that irked to me write this rant (probably compounded by the fact of lack of sleep around Sugar time, -.-):
I wrote a thread asking about if an event quest was in the star notifier before a certain period and this "forum nub" tells me I can go to the star notifier and check out the quest like I already didn't mention that the event quest I'm talking about was in the star notifier. And then he goes and says it doesn't matter cause the quest is up during the event period while my original issue was if said event quest was up before the event period. >.>
TLDR: I hate it when someone who's clearly a nub talks to someone who's (at least seems like) not a nub like they are a nub.
(Basically baby talking to someone who's probably close x2 your age. >.>)
Amount of posts =/= knowledge on game =/= knowledge on your very specific issue.
He said he wasn't entirely sure what you meant in your post but still tried to offer some sort of input and wasn't nearly as condescending about it as you are being to him right now, which I'll say is way better than having your thread completely ignored. Hell, even the mods misunderstand or misread questions sometimes. Get over yourself mate.
I mean this section is for "Rants and Raves" to "Take a break and blow off some steam!" (or so the description says). Just wanted to say something that was on my mind, but then again, I shouldn't really be commenting on you commenting on my rant cause that's technically you (semi-)"ranting" on me and would make me a hypocrite! xd (jks)
*golf clap* (for actually looking into the post I was describing and the profiles related, thanks for doing some research!
Apologizes for that overlook on the forum join date, but like I said, for me, a "forum nub" (someone with low post counts and low reactions, basically someone new to the forums). And yes, it's "possible" that said person could have played MS longer than me, but I usually doubt that since I've played on KMS and switched over to GMS before Pirates even came over (not saying I've played straight since then without long [months] of breaks, but still).
True, but (at least for me) the general trend has been high amounts of posts = good/informative input and low amounts of posts = bad/useless information and usually mistaken. [I know this will be a very specific example, but just take a look on the Bug Reporting section of the forums, the bugs reported by high post accounts usually tend to be bugs and the "bugs" reported by low post accounts usually tend to be mistakes on the users own part.]
Yes, he did, so I admit/credited to it possibly being poor wording choice on my part, but to me, his input basically repeated what I said and then he basically said my "issue" wasn't a problem when he himself said he didn't really understand what my "issue" was, hence shouldn't have known whether or not it's actually a problem.
Yes, I was being very condescending to him, because like I said, I hate it when someone who seems like and probably know little about the issue talks like they know more, especially when they talk like I don't know something when I explicitly state what they're trying to tell me, even if they aren't trying to be condescending (hence my baby talking example at the end, even if you use it on a baby and aren't meaning it to be condescending, it slightly is).
And the reason I keep saying that he probably doesn't know what he's talking about is because the event in question has happened multiple times in the past with a set pattern that occurred before the event (or so I remembered), but this time said pattern didn't happen, which I inquired about and his reply made it seem like he had no idea about the pattern, hence why I thought he was new.
I mean I can't control what you think is better, but for me, I'd prefer my post "being ignored" over someone telling me what I just stated as if he's telling me something new. But that's a difference in opinions and I have no problem with that.
Yes, mods do that, but usually (at least from the mod replies I've seen) they misunderstand it and give back a reply for a different issue and almost never directly repeat what the op says as if the op didn't say it first.
Lol, this section of the forums is for ranting, so that's why I'm ranting here instead of somewhere else like General Chat or on my original thread, so no, I'm not going "Get over yourself mate" for doing something that this section of the forums was meant for. If you have a problem with people ranting about things that anger them, maybe you should avoid this section of the forums.
Essentially what happened here:
You made an inquiry about whether something was intended or not.
Someone misunderstood what exactly you were asking for (whether that be your fault or theirs) and gave a general reply on how the event works currently, as well as their opinion that it might not matter too much since the event starts automatically.
You somehow took that as them repeating what you said and belittling your knowledge, and your high-post ego was bruised.
You then, instead of elaborating your post and swallowing your pride, go to a subsection on the same platform that this user is on to rant about how much this interaction annoyed you as an eXpErT fOrUmEr, probably in hopes that this guy and the rest of the plebeian low-post hoard would realize their humongous mistake and never dare show such insolence towards you again simply because you've amassed more posts and reactions than them. Some of which, may I point out, are plain "bump" posts.
It's incredibly easy to gain "likes" and "insights", and none of them mean more than that someone agreed on posts you made, or liked whatever meme or Nexon-critical post you've made, or simply clicked it because they could. It's a glorified voting system for lurkers and people who wasn't there to post an idea first but still agree on it. It's even used as such in many forum contests. You also get points from completing steps to setting up your profile, and badges that encourage frequent posting/borderline spam.
It doesn't make you more or less credible than any new or infrequent user on this site and you should stop acting like it does. So yeah, get over yourself mate.
Nope, first time using "Rants and Rave", just thought it was somewhere to "blow of steam", never realized that there were specific rules/etiquette that came with this subsection like "Bug Reporting ".
No, not really, I mean I literally stated that in the second line that there was a quest in the star notifier and then he literally told me to go look at the star notifier for the quest. Not exactly sure how that's me "somehow taking that as them repeating what I said" and not literally just repeating what I said.
And isn't giving a "general reply" implying the receiving has little/improper knowledge of the event? I asked a detailed question about the event and then got a general reply like I didn't know what the event was. That's like explaining algebra to someone who wanted to check something in calculus.
No, I elaborated with more specific detail on the first two lines of my reply if you missed it, and then came here and posted this rant awhile later, unless the time stamps came up wrong.
If I really wanted the said offending party "and the rest of the plebeian low-post hoard would realize their humongous mistake and never dare show such insolence towards " me, wouldn't I have just made this rant in my original post so the primary offending party had a higher chance of seeing it? And if I really wanted someone to know specifically, wouldn't have linked my original post or used the said "forum nub"'s forum name and other details instead of trying to "generalize" the situation (given, yes, I'm pretty sure some people could have just as easily found which post was being implied like you did). Believe it or not, I put this in the rant section and wasn't even expecting anyone to read it.
True, but I mean are you saying that I have like +300 " plain "bump" posts'? And given, yes, my implication was high post count = "forum expert", but the only clear term I've defined was a "forum nub" as someone who had low post counts and said that the trend that people who had higher post count usually had correct/helpful replies, meaning usually more experience. I never said anything like "forum experts" = 100% right.
Yes, okay, but I could change my original informal "definition" of "forum nub" to "(someone with low post counts, basically someone new to the forums [and by semi-implication, new to the game, probs])" and very little/if not none of my statements would change.
Oookaaaay? So what? Are you saying I have a high post count cause I've basically just made a whole bunch of useless threads/comments for reactions? Don't really get why you're mentioning the whole reactions and forum points thing like I used it to justified something?
Lol, my issue was that someone literally repeated back to me what I just said like I didn't know it. I mean someone with a high post could have said exactly the same thing and I would probably still be irked for having my post be basically parroted back to me. Given, probably not as much to make a rant/rave about it.
It was never about "credibility". Heck, he could have given me the wrong information or even mistakenly talk about the currently on going Discover Event or even Burning Project and I probably wouldn't have been as irked, since he didn't just basically parrot back to me what I said like I didn't know it.
I did see it. My point is that you should have left it at that instead of coming here to further rant about someone who was merely trying to engage in your issue.
No you wouldn't, because I do believe that you understand that there's a place and time for each topic. You posted in general before deciding whether to make a bug report or not because you weren't sure about it, and if you started ranting in the original topic it would have derailed the thread and drawn mod attention, and the point of your thread would have been lost.
Also, I saw the original thread and the replies before you made this rant thread, as I browse the list of all newly submitted threads/replies instead of going to each subforum. Really no digging required for most people, and the affected parties would still definitely have known what it was about. You ain't slick.
No, I'm saying your post count doesn't matter, and you shouldn't judge other people giving you advice based on their post count and reaction numbers. It's your whole reason for making up this juvenile "forum nub" term and being condescending towards a whole bunch of people who you don't know anything about.
You're right, all your original statements would still be ignorant, arrogant and based in flawed logic.
Again, your post count does not matter and neither does anyone else's because quantity doesn't equal quality. Same goes for reactions. That's the point I am making which you are somehow still missing.
Because that's the criteria you are using for deciding whether someone is a "forum nub" or not, and whether they're talking down to you, in your opinion. Even if they're genuinely trying to offer their insight or trying to get you to elaborate. Your last post in that thread was much clearer on what your issue was and there was really no reason for you to go and make a "salt post" about it.
He didn't repeat what you said as if you didn't know it, he was trying to engage in your issue.
And again with the bias on the post count. It's a really shallow point of view to have. I'm starting to think the only reason you go after infrequent posters is because they'd be less likely to talk back.
You could have just not made this thread, but I guess people reveal their true selves sooner or later.
But it is about credibility, since you believe that infrequent posters have none, or at the very least that they have less than you.
Your entire thing is that whenever someone with a low post count and reaction count posts anything, you're already set on that this must be someone with less knowledge on the game than you, and even as they're trying to help you figure out an issue that you asked about you jump to the conclusion that they're talking down to you instead of trying to understand what went lost in translation.
Once again, get over yourself mate. I've spoken my peace on the matter, if you still don't get it, then I guess it really doesn't matter to me one way or the other.