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[Change MVP] Silver rank gone in under a week

Reactions: 390
Posts: 26
edited August 2018 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests
So I recently found out that MVP ranks, or rather the ability to maintain them is based on how much you spend in last 3 months....
So I got my silver rank back earlier this week and imagine my surprise when I sat down to play TODAY and found myself at bronze again...
A nice treat to that is I needed another 120k NX to get silver back.

Change this awful sh!t so we get to keep a rank for AT LEAST 30 days after obtaining it....


  • PhantomMasterThiefPhantomMasterThief
    Reactions: 3,195
    Posts: 480
    Member, Private Tester
    edited August 2018
    You shouldn't spend To get to MVP Status, MVP is a bonus when you spend NX (Why people can't understand that, you don't spend to get MVP diamond, you buy stuff off the cash shop, and if you bought enough stuff you get a BONUS of being an MVP diamond)

    MVP shouldn't be some dumb status symbol like it currently is, people should start using their brains and understand that it's a Bonus in ADDITION to the NX they have already spent.

    PS. MVP literally shows the amount of money you spend on maple, it isn't an achievement, it just shows how little self-control you have, or how big/deep your pockets are. (unless you have enough income to get and maintain MVP Special statuses, and have enough money left to live, you shouldn't AIM for mvp)
  • ZerpZerp
    Reactions: 390
    Posts: 26
    edited August 2018
    You shouldn't spend To get to MVP Status, MVP is a bonus when you spend NX (Why people can't understand that, you don't spend to get MVP diamond, you buy stuff off the cash shop, and if you bought enough stuff you get a BONUS of being an MVP diamond)


    A bonus that can last as little as 1 day..... Just as a middle finger to people who spend ~100$ in 1 day, which was enough to get it, but apparently not enough to maintain it.

    My problem is not with the fact it costs money to maintain (although I loathe Nexon for the fact that the only place you can learn about it is a 1 year old update note, that is not linked to from the actual MVP interface), it's the fact that minimum amount of time you can have a "special" status is 1 day. You can spend 200$ today, get silver and then turn bronze tomorow (if months ends tomorow). You can choose to do these mental gymnastics to justify A SERVICE last for 1 day (while you will find no info on the actual MVP page that even hints to the fact it is limited), but it is one of many reasons Nexon is infamous for cash related stuff.

    PS: I don't think "literally" means, what you think it means (unless there's an actual number you can check on MVPs).