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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Bug type: UI
Brief bug summary: The Reward Point accumulator default position is too high above the hotkeys and obscures Battle messages.
More details:
When logging in, the Reward Point UI is always displayed near the bottom right of the window - but with a large noticeable gap from the hotkeys. In this position, it obscures Battle messages, in addition to whatever map elements, enemies, or drops happen to be in that area.
After visiting the Cash Shop, the Reward Point accumulator moves to the top left corner of the screen and hides behind the mini-map.
This window also does not save its position or status (visible or not) when logging out.
Steps to reproduce:
1. Log in. Observe the Reward Point UI near the bottom right of your window, floating high above the hotkeys display.
2. Kill enemies, loot items, consume trait potions, or do anything else that generates Battle messages. Observe that said messages are hidden by the RP UI until they scroll up above it.
3. Enter Cash Shop, and then exit it.
4. Observe that the RP UI has moved to the top left corner of your window. It might be completely hidden by the mini-map, if the latter is large enough.
5. Drag the RP UI to a more convenient location on the screen, or click the X to remove it.
6. Log out and back in. Observe that the RP UI is back in its default location, as in step 1.
Point being... It never remembers the last location you put it.
Also iirc, I play in windowed mode and the location changes depending on the screen size. However it's always a static spawn.
Thanks for the report, looking into this!