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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
So the question of the day is if you were to quit or die lmao who would be in your MapleStory will and what would you leave behind for them
These things can be mesos cash shops accounts or whatever. But yea would you have a MapleStory will and who will be in it with what they will receive.
I dont think it counts if your dead lmao. But I mean if that is the case nexon needs to fix that
Their old friends will either constantly get alerts that they're online or have to remove them.
There's also the chance that not everyone in the guild/friendlist will know this person has died.
Either way, not a fun experience to be reminded that someone you cared about has moved on.
Edit: Taking their stuff is just as bad too. Why not just leave their account the way it was, out of respect?
I don't know I mean I already wrote a protocol for in case I died how to distribute my account and who will gain leadership of the guild in a session of rank. My brothers, in this case, would do it and my guild jrs had already been given it a few years ago. I mean so far so good but many guild masters actually had a place or done this. This is also the case of death as in quitting. I had seen many forms of this and think it is something to think about while most of us won't be mapling forever. I mean I can understand what you mean but legacy if guilds want a legacy would want the newer crowd to carry on their will. I had seen many people done it and was curious to see who else was doing it :O
So long as you're the one calling the shots before you die I see no problem with honoring a final wish.
Though I think I'd rather focus on making sure other things are in order in the event of my death...
Well if a person dies who either run a guild or has a player fan base they need something in line to help the fans or people. I have seen many times before where guild masters up and left. One time I had to force one of their jrs to take control of the guild before it died out. These things do happen and even me which wasnt leader at a time had to be leader again due to things. So like I think it is something great to consider as not all of us is around for good.
that too lmao and like let's keep it the real way
stalp it lmao you going to die none of us are immortal but our wills are