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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Unlock all nodes and change nodes to EXP Nodestone
Basically since we've seen EXP nodestones become a thing, I think the next step to making 5th job easier would be to unlock all node skills that the class can use and change all unused nodestones into EXP nodestones. The EXP nodestones we've seen in the alliance coin shop basically awards a certain amount of Node EXP to the desired node when being merged and doing this would overwhelmingly increase the rate at which all 5th job skills can be maxed out. We will still only start with 4 open node slots like normal and unlock them at every 5th level milestone, but I think this would be similar to the step nexon previously took with 4th job skills by removing specific skill books and replacing them with universal level 20 and level 30 skill books.
Also remove the need to disassemble nodes and the ability to remove nodestone shards as we wont need them with all skills being readily available.
Edit: I realized there's something really important that I didn't think about when explaining this but with Boost Nodes, they will be simplified to 1st,2nd, 3rd, and 4th job boost nodes. What boost node that currently existing boost nodes become depends on which job that the 1st skill belongs to (for example, if I have a Paladin boost node that boosts Flame Charge (2nd job), Blast (4th job), and Lightning Charge (3rd Job), that node will become a 2nd job all-skill boost node). Also, for boost nodes that have the 1st skill that boosts more than 1 job's skill damage (example, Mercedes's Aerial Barrage node also boosts moonsault, so that node will change to a 4th job node because Moonsault is the highest job skill for that node)
Battle Mage's 4th job node will also boost ambassador scythe.
Jett's nodes will need to be reworked for this to to apply to them since their nodes are currently wonky.
Special Nodes (the purple ones) will be removed from the game as not many people if any use them OR they all become available as well but only 1 special node can be equipped and they can not be leveled up.
Certain nodes like the will's nodestone will still be required for unlocking that skill and other unique nodes of the like.
Simpler and Easier 5th job skill maxing
Less need for nodestones
Everyone's boost nodes are simpler and easier to max in general, especially Hayato's boost nodes.
Cons: More nodes floating around in the market after the majority of players have maxed their nodes; ie. deflation.
Might be harder to search for nodes we want to use if all of them are unlocked at once.
Classes that had several job boosting boost nodes in the past might need more than 1 node to boost the skills they use (most likely mercedes mains, but we can work to find a better solution like making 1st and 2nd job boosting nodes & 3rd and 4th job boosting nodes specifically for them as they only needed 2 certain node trios in the past with only 1 useless skill in the possibilities of trio outcomes)
If you can't get drop gear then you can just buy them during events or through the market.
There's already an over abundance of them from what I can tell?
Edit:If Nexon really wanted to make 5th job easier, there's a much more controlled way of going about it.
Just increase how many nodeshards you get from disassemble. (Easier to program, too.)
Not the subject matter of this thread, but one of the two nodes require more EXP per level vs the other node.
Then you have the Will Nodestone which iirc requires you to defeat will to level up. So there are certainly better nodes to use the EXP one on.
Edit: While I'm posting in this thread anyway, I feel like the removal of more custom options with nodestones is an awful idea.
I play classes very differently from other people, including in the way I use boost nodes. You're effectively placing even more cookie cutter restrictions on people if you limit the boost nodes in the way you suggest.
I compared the Experience Nodestone with Boost Nodes and Skill Nodes.
Experience Nodestone added just as much experience as 3 nodes to a Boost Node or Skill Node, while the Experience are different between these 2 types of Nodes, but 1 Experience Node is the same as 3 Nodes.
And I agree with you about Will Nodestone, since the boss isn't easy to beat, it will be nice to use the Experience Node on it.
What I meant was, they have different formulas for when they level up.
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/Maplestory/comments/5rccl1/all_things_nodestones/