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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Orbis PQ Second Stage Not Clearing
Bug type: Gameplay
Brief bug summary: The map is not registering the kills for the Cellions/Lioners/Grupins, and therefore the stage is unclearable.
More details: Normally when you kill monsters in the map, you'll get a pop-up message telling you how many you have left of that monster. Now, no pop-up appears at anytime, even when the monsters are respawned.
My theory is that the game isn't checking monster completion triggers, which would also explain why the Labyrinth of Suffering rooms I posted about aren't opening, because the game isn't seeing that certain/all monsters in a map are killed.
Additionally, we did Orbis PQ the day before (January 30th) and had no issues clearing the pq.
Steps to reproduce: Get to stage 2 Orbis PQ.
Character name: Mirazja
Character level: 250
Character job: F/P Mage
World name: Scania
Date and time of the incident: 5:30pm EST January 31st.