Bug Type: Gameplay
Char: Miko1704
Char type: kanna
Char level: 252
World: Kradia
Time of occurrence: 3/27/19, around 3pm utc
Steps to reproduce: have a kanna start the Call of the Goddess event quest. then go to a map with monsters in level range.
Extra details:
today there's no more bug monsters to get retro coins. instead, you can do this Call of the Goddess quest. killing mobs in level range will charge it up and eventually it's fully charged, then use the special (beginner) skill to unload that charge, killing some mobs nearby and giving you Retro points.
So i started that on my kanna. And then started doing arcane river dailies. I could do the vanishing journey daily just fine, but those weren't mobs in level range.
Once i got to morass though, there's mobs in level range for me there. first quest i got, kill Nameless Cats, takes me to such a level range map. I have a perm hyper teleport rock, so i teleported to the map, and BAM! maplestory crashed.
I was like what the hell, but hey, stuff happens in MS, so i load the game again and try to login to my kanna char. Just as loading is finished, the window (i play inwindow mode) changes size, i see a black screen for a second or two, this is normal. Then, just as i'm supposed to see my character in the monster map, BAM! crash to desktop.
I tried one more time, this time chose a different channel, BAM! same thing.
Then i loaded the game again and tried another char, my Demon Avenger (MaxHP1704). hmmm, gee, this one works. Including the call of the goddess thingy. Yes, this one doesn't crash, and i can get coins.
This type of thing hasn't happened before, so i figure you guys at Nexon never tested the call of the goddess event thing on a kanna. Since kanna is not a KMS char type, it behaves differently from other char classes.
I would bet that this thing happens to hayato too. Nice going, Nexon.
Anyways, so now i can't login to my kanna because every time i try, it crashes me to desktop. I'm not pleased. I've got 1600 coins i still wanna spend before the event is over. Think you can fix this before then?
Though it probably will fix itself in two weeks. Then the Call of the Goddess event and skill will expire and it probably shouldn't crash me anymore.
Only thing is, i don't wanna lose two weeks of playing time with my highest level char. Not to mention, I coulda got more coins.
I could try and have Nexon move my char to a safe map, but that still doesn't fix the crashing once i get to a monsters-in-level-range map. Which would still mean i can't play.
The issue actually affects classes other than Kanna, too. Nexon is aware and working on a solution.