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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Adding in Marvel / Philo Items into End Game boss
For most players, Absolab becomes end game since the Daunting Grind for Arcane(mainly reboot). With this, at most, these players only do Normal Lucid / Will and so on. AS there isnt much inclination to do the Hard boss's other than item drops.
I suggest adding in Things like Bod / Firestarter to HLucid / Will / Verus Hilla or even black mage (you could separate them each making it a milestone).
These items tho, would not be Psokable / trade able Unlike there Gacha equivalents .
Especially with Frenzy not getting Nerfed(yet) , I feel like some of these items should be obtainable in reboot, but through actual gameplay progress (could even make it a goal for regular serves too.
Drop rate being on something like Boss accessory rates or rarer.
Or at least add in other things besides equipment to the boss's .
(a decently higher amount of Boss droplets (or add in some regular droplets ontop of the boss droplets too)
Arcane symbol drops / selectors