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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Merch store suggestion: Rock Spirit
I feel this is just wrong that someone is scalping them on Ebay for $200. I am hoping this item will be available in the merch store. My friend is upset they sold out during Maplefest and I am hoping they as well as other people who didn't get one at the event or just want one can get a chance to buy one. Scalping plushies is just low.
They've only done maplefest twice now, but if it's going to keep being an unmitigated goat rope year over year, I can't see it surviving beyond three or four. Hell, I bet most people who go only tolerate it for the best-in-slot emblem exclusive to the event.
My Dad's argument was that Nexon didn't learn from last year. We have been to a few conventions, one being a "first time" similar to the first Maple Fest, where it was also really disorganized, but the NEXT year, it was so much better and went a lot smoother. Nexon didn't make that same adjustment, leading to an overall worse experience than the first Maple Fest. I was super hyped about it, but ended up feeling a bit underwhelmed with the overall venue management.