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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Reward shop- Frenzy like totam.
I think they should put it not only in the reward shop but also normal NX also for like a 1 day - 7 day -30 days.
btw why is it 15 counts limited anyway...
On the serious side...I don't get the 15 limit either...and the high RP price tag for two hours of use :T
It is, at a base level, an egregious attempt at throwing the community a bone. Why else would they limit it in the way that they have? It's 30,000 of your 45,000 monthly reward points. 17,000 of that could go to red and black cubes alone, with the other 28,000 available for use on scrolls or inventory slots or a pendant slot or even discounting other nx purchases. But no, a solid two-thirds of your monthly cap of reward points for just over a total day's worth of not-kishin.
I personally refuse to even consider using one, even if I had an excess of reward points burning a virtual hole in my sold-my-soul-to-the-company-store pocket. It's such an insult. Here you go, two pc meta is "fixed", now stop complaining.
I'm not going to dip into the conspiracy theory about nexon secretly liking the bots because they help to pad their metrics, but we all know full well that that kanna sitting in the corner of the map in the middle of its kishin, coincidentally refreshing the skill every minute or so when the active character in the map stops moving briefly, is absolutely counted toward their "look at how many players we have online!" metric. And fixing the fury totem so it's actually worth more than a muttered insult would harm that metric, and they simply can't be having any of that.
I'd welcome anyone to explain to me why I'm wrong. Explain to me how one day(plus six hours) of not-kishin totem use per month, for the low price of two-thirds of your monthly reward points, is not a complete and total sham.
Yes, absolutely. But a joke in the same sense as laughing at the kid in a wheelchair for not being able to walk.
Kms loves to make everything take longer instead of actually adding more to do. And this more than any of the other endless list of bs nexon puts us through is actually really turning me off this game.
The drop rate potential nerf, the negative changes to vanishing journey(lowering exp from mobs, removing drops from lantern erdas), it was all because this chucklehead thought players were going too fast. So, rather than adding meaningful, engaging content that legitimately took a significant investment of time, it was decided to simply make it harder for more people to get to that point, since meaningful content takes actual effort as opposed to just cutting a percentage off exp values.