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Lucid soul

Reactions: 1,170
Posts: 20
edited November 2019 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests
Hey guys so i got lucid soul and i used her ability which you just put her on a spot and she stays there for 40 secs and attack the mobs there im sure you are all familiar with that
now im at 20m range clean
I can get to around 56m buffed the skill does 1500% dmg and nexon says the dmg is "calculating differently"
now if im at 20m range it does around 80% of the mobs HP which is already dumb in my opinion
if i go to 56m range the ability does around 90% of the mobs HP which is insanely weird because i almost triple my range and the ability's dmg still dont increase
and all nexon says "we cant help you we cant do anything about it its just like that "
like common there's ability that should do something and it doesn't scale out of anything
wtf am i need to do put stats on int and get % int so yolo?
its honestly makes 0 sense in my opinion...
sure i know nexon dont want it to be easy so it wont one shot everything but at 56m range that it doesn't one shot a mob at arcane river
thats insanely senseless
