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Add run counter on practice runs+rise entry caps
Practice runs are nice way to practice those once/day entry bosses like lotus, damien, lucid, will... but there's one quite annoying thing. You can enter 5 times in practice mode but when you reach the cap you notice that by getting a message that you can't go in anymore. on higher lvl bosses that's bit annoying since there's some stuff you use before going in (alchemist potions, monster park potions, att buffs, and some classes have freuds wisdom which takes some time to stack up) and when you notice you can't enter those just go to waste. It would be nice addition to have a counter after the practice mode text (currently it is "enter xxxx [xxxx practice mode]") so make it "enter xxxx [xxxx practice mode] (x/5)".
Sure you can count the runs but when some runs take 20min+ you can easily miscount the 5th run as 4th. And tbh that cap of 5 is just useless since practice runs doesn't even give anything so if someone wants to practice whole day why can't he do that. Also bosses should have infinite entry cap anyways and just clear count. CRA and hmagn worked well before so why can't hard bosses be like that?