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Demon Slayer 2nd Job Advancement - Equip Slot Full

Reactions: 100
Post: 1
in Bug Reporting

Bug type:
'Equip Slot full' Demon Slayer 2nd Job Advancement

Brief bug summary:
I am trying to complete the Demon Slayer 2nd Job Advancement and I cannot due to this popup. Last step is talking to NPC 'Mastema Cat' in the map: 'Secret Plaza' in Edelstein. NPC says it is going to give me something for completing the contract and that I need 1 slot open in my Equip tab to do this. I cannot complete this and my Equip tab is completely empty. This has been happening for the past 2 days on this Burning Character.

Character name: wetmingee

Character level: 31

Character job: Demon Slayer

World name: Reboot

Date and time of the incident: 10:51 AM EST 4/27/2020