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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Drops disappearing from hard bosses...
My guild went hard lucid and she dropped an umbra chain (cool right? We have some pro people in my guild) they were all watching the stream on discord too and it dropped and 2 seconds later disappeared.
So since then people in my guild have been arguing and blaming one another and at least 2 people have left. One claims we steal loots during bossing, literally it just disappeared and everyone that went showed thier inventory except the one that left and blamed us for it.
Has anyone else had this problem?
Unreal all the glitches and dc problems, and false bans (my account being one of them)...now my guild is having this issue and longtime friends are turning on one another. It just never ends!
Quite simple way to check what you looted from anywhere is the battle tab in chat.
It's bit fishy that someone doesn't show inventory and leaves if there's some suspicion about drops. And well inv showing should be done right in the boss drop map, not after that since there's plenty of spots to hide something.
And it seems like there has been something else going on before this incident because umbra chain isn't even that expensive item so there's no real reason to get mad about it and even less reason to try to get someone mad for it.