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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Improvements for boss crystals
It's little bit annoying to run to fm between boss runs just to sell those crystals so here's couple of improvement ideas for the system.
Current system could use these improvements.
1. Remove the weekly sell limit for the crystals. 60 is quite much but it limits bossing a bit which isn't that fun. daily bosses give like 100m/week(reg server) when you aim for max profit from 60 crystals and by doing all bosses it would be like 180m/week. (counted with 18 weekly bosses (up to vhilla) so it's bit more with only dailies)
2. make them sellable to all npcs (including android shops).
With little changes the system could be like this.
1. Instead of being etc items the crystals could be use items.
2. Replace the crystals with coins that you can sell to npc. Each coin is worth 100k meso and boss coin drop rates would be rounded up from current crystal sell rates to next 100k (nzak 612,5k-->7 coins, nmagn 2,6645m-->27 coins,... so on). The coins wouldn't fill your inv so quickly so you can sell those after running all bosses.
And lastly the idea of total revamp:
1. Remove the physical items completely.
2. Make a point bar similar to reward points and event coins. Important to have the option to hide that bar from vision.
3. After you kill a boss and pick the power crystal item you get some points based on boss and participants.
4. Having the points share with account would be quite big thing.
5. Make point conversion to meso with instant button press (i guess the coin system i talked about before would be decent conversion rate)
6. Automatically redeem the meso on sundays and make that having 100% interest like maple tour (or apply reboot meso rates on normal servers) so bossing wouldn't really take decades to get meso for some starforcing, morelike few years.