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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
lf> what happened during last 3 years
hey hey hey hello everyone!
i just woke up from a 3-year maple coma but gladly found that everybody is still alive and well!
can someone gimme a quick update what happened between 2017 to 2020 in maple?
the last patch i played was update v.180 -_-
much thx
Game mechanic wise, there
it seems like you
game mechanics, game contents, ...
it seems like you and i joined the forum about the same time!
game mechanics, game contents, ...
it seems like you and i joined the forum about the same time!
fill me in pls, buddy.
game mechanics, game contents, ...
it seems like you and i joined the forum about the same time!
fill me in pls, buddy.
game mechanics, game contents, ...
it seems like you and i joined the forum about the same time!
fill me in pls, buddy.
game mechanics, game contents, ...
it seems like you and i joined the forum about the same time!
fill me in pls, buddy.
it seems like previewing a post actually post
it seems like previewing a post actually posts it too..
Ya, just refreshed and saw that, looks like it auto posts every time the forum auto saved....
So you left around 5th job release, so you already know about Arcane River area. So that's been expanded by 5 areas (Chu Chu, Lachelain, Morass, and Esfera) and one expanded area (Tenebris, which has Moonbridge, Labryinth of Suffering, and World's End). Basically, we (the character) follow the Arcane River through all of these areas chasing the Black Mage (the big baddy of Maple World), and at the end we defeat him and "save" Maple World.
The next chapter is basically we're doing the same thing with the Grandis world and Gerand Darmoor. There's been one big update/event where we meet him and then lose the power we had which helped us fight the Black Mage.
So both the lore/story in Maple and Grandis have advanced a bit.
Currently, the Asura Crisis event is basically doing the same thing for the Sengoku part of the story, where Oda has partly summoned the demon lord and we now have part of the Sengoku Princess's power.
Game mech wise, there's a lot more node for 5th job skills, a handful of new jobs (not sure which are new from v180, but I think Cadena, Illium, Pathfinder, Ark, Hoyoung, and Adele are the ones that come to the top of my head). Gollux boss + Masteria (New Leaf City area) has been revamped. Free market is gone (not sure if that was post v180). Star force goes up to 25 stars now.
Think that covers like the major major stuff.
that's exactly what i needed to know!
i just found a bunch of absolute belts, mustaches, and witch hats on one of my characters.
lol. good ol' time.
see y'all in game!
well the last era of maple was with the old fangblade and big bang alot has changed.
rn we are in the age of new legends and maplers also the age of lvl 275.
you woke up in time to witness new legends be made and glad you came
well the last era of maple was with the old fangblade and big bang alot has changed.
rn we are in the age of new legends and maplers also the age of lvl 275.
you woke up in time to witness new legends be made and glad you came back to witness such greatness >.<
v180 is way post Big-Bang. >.>
And said
v180 is way post Big-Bang. >.>
And op is late to 275 legend already plenty of 275's. >.>