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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
I just lost couple of billions of meso due to GM.
About 2~3 weeks ago, I was able to exchange my Superior engraved Gollux pendant to Superior Engraved Gollux Belt.
After the exchange, I noticed the stat wasn't properly transferred. The stat of the item was a little lower.
So I just purchased about 20 eternal rebirth flames from my friends and guild mates.
I ended up achieving +40 STR and +4% on my Superior Engraved Gollux Belt.
This was crazy high flamed stat and I was so happy, showed to my guild mates.
This stat is hard to achieve even using 100 eternal flames.
Later GM posed a patch note that they are aware of the stat transfer had an error.
I didn't mind too much, because I thought GM will ask again, if I want the adjusted belt.
( Imagine players spending tons of flames and cubes investing $1000 or more, will GM just take it? it didn't make sense)
However, about 3 days ago, this nightmare began.
Yes, GM took the BELT!!! and my belt's stat now changed to 3% all stat. (my old pendant's stat)
I was shocked. But had hope if they can track back my character's item value a week ago or something, they can restore my belt again..
GM's reply was shocking.
They are saying they can't restore my belt.
And gave me Large bebe box. (Exp x2 and drop x2 and honors)
Now I sent them another request, asking to properly compensating me with eternal rebirth flames because they can't restore my belt.
Just waiting for reply.
I was red mvp last month, and now I feel like I don't want to even spend a single nx cubes.
Because now I know if some kind of bug occurs on my precious item....
I will be getting.....
Large bebe Box...