Bug type: Functionality
Description: The Fury of Mars skill used in the Princess No expedition by warriors has its effect described like this:
Damage: 333%, Max Enemies Hit: 1, Number of Attacks: 3. Boss Damage: 5% of remaining HP at the time of use. Cooldown: 180 sec
I tried using Fury of Mars on the bosses, and it's not doing 5% of their current health.
It's dealing between 0 and just under 100 million damage, scaling with (current health / max health).
That damage is multiplied by the number of hits, 3.
If this is how the damage is intended be calculated, please make the skill description clearer. Otherwise, fix the damage.
(If the current calculation method is correct, please raise the maximum damage. 300 million damage to a full health Princess No is only 0.15% of her HP.)
Renka, 12,600,000,000 HP:
Oura Shogun, 10,500,000,000 HP:
Miroku, 14,700,000,000 HP:
Princess No, 200,000,000,000 HP:
(46,999,996 is the Fury of Mars damage)
Character name: Eredet
Character level: 230
Character job: Zero
World name: Elysium
Date and time of the incident: April 18, 2021, 11:45 am EST