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✓ Balanced Fury and Crystal Ilbi Coupons

Reactions: 5,275
Posts: 862
edited June 2021 in Bug Reporting
Bug type: Item

Brief bug summary: The Balanced Fury Coupon and the Crystal Ilbi Throwing-Stars Coupons in Mo's coin shop don't give the respective sets of throwing stars.

More details:

As per the v223 patch notes:
Fixed the issue where attempting to purchase more than one set of throwing stars from Mo's store would disconnect the player.

To remedy this, Nexon introduced a Balanced Fury Coupon and the Crystal Ilbi Throwing-Stars Coupon to Mo's coin shop to replace buying either set of throwing stars directly. However upon using these coupons, you will not receive anything.

Video footage of myself opening a Balanced Fury Coupon and receiving nothing:

Steps to reproduce:
1. Purchase either a Balanced Fury Coupon (100 Raven Ninja Coins) or a Crystal Ilbi Throwing-Stars Coupon (90 Raven Ninja Coins) and use the coupon. You will not receive the throwing stars.

Character name: yzzI

Character level: 241

Character job: Aran

World name: Bera (applies to any world, however)

Date and time of the incident: June 13, 2021 at 8:00 PM EST (but has existed since the v223 update)


  • PirateIzzyPirateIzzy
    Reactions: 5,275
    Posts: 862
    edited June 2021
    Fixed as of the latest maintenance. (Still waiting for reimbursement though)