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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Sharing tags shoudl be able to transfer SW equips
Nexon really needs to either let sharing tags be used on sweetwater gear. i had a transposed aquarious crown hat that was anviled that i accidentally transferred to a mule.
i quit the game since then and im sure many other players are in a simliar predictament and would lose a lot of customers over such a simple change. they wont be able to worry about econimics since a sharing tag is only between accounts not the market .
Unless i am unaware of any new changes that allow for SW equipments to be traded between accounts please fill me in. I heard this event has a transfer event but i am unsure if it this includes a sweetwater hat.... its very vague and seems very stupid if its only for absolab, fafnir , or other complete trash gear.
Can anyone confirm if:
1) the event allows for sweetwater hats to be transferred that were once equipped?
2. any other methods to go through with this?
feels bad man