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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
PSA - False Expiry for Tera Burning lv220 Rewards
Hey all, returning Mapler here & first time participating in a burning event. Want to give other returning Maplers a heads up that
dates announced on official event pages and patch notes can apparently be false. Take those with a grain of salt.
With the Burning World Leap announced for Feb 2 and the lv220 Tera Burning reward boxes
supposedly expiring on Feb 15, I got Mercedes to 220 on the Burning world thinking I can give the box to my old main on Bera. Found out yesterday, though, that
not only are the boxes expiring Feb 09 before World Leap, GMs can't do anything about it. If you want to give the box to another character, make sure they're on the same world as the Tera burning character.
Didn't see any other posts on this so I assume this is par for the course and known among active Maplers. New and returning Maplers beware! Maybe someone will see this and not waste their time like me.
Just to clarify: are you talking about the Tera Burning Plus level 220 reward (Absolab or Dominator box), or the Burning World Step-Up level 220 reward (Unique Emblem box), or both?