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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
How many old hands and LEGIT players from 2006 still play and can tell we are STILL being dealt CRAP from those on here who still want to live through GREED and cheating.
To the GMs who may of remembered the days we Boycotted the use of CASH SHOP because we were fed up of the hackers and cheaters in game.
We know GMs have dealt with a lot of botters meso sellers and so on which really is such an easy job to do, just stand invisable on chanel one and blip the sellers and bye bye.
When are we PURELEGIT players going to get a fair game now the sellers have moved to Face Book to sell there crap but nothing has been done about it.
When are the GMs going to deal with the DUPLICATORS of,, Droplet stones, Juniper berry seed oils, Hyssop flower oils Aracane items and so on.
We, THE REAL PLAYERS know it is impossible to collect 2000 plus of these items per week and sell in Auction house for next to nothing and just sit and watch the greedy cheaters get fat on the monies earned by selling mesos out of game.
When are we the real players going to be able to LEVEL up our Arce stones in order to continue to play the way the game was meant to be.?????
We know that GMs have past on and new ones come into the game thinking that because we recieve a 15 minute 2x exp we are going to be happy, WE ARE NOT.
Many years ago SYNERGY had the right idea and built a web site to report hackers with screen shots which was presented to NEXON only to be told that hackers can only be repoted through there own channels and dealt with by GMS.
Dupliction has been a big hardship on the game and its obvious its still going on in Auction house.
2 weeks ago i mentioned this on here about those selling 2000 plus Junipers, within an hour these were taken down. Now they are back again but in numbers of 500 and 200 respectfully. This must NOT continue.
Do the GMs realise we old players have been knocked from pillar to post, From GLOBAL in the old days then PUSH TO EUROPE and now back to GLOBAL and losing so much.???
God we have had to put up with so much crap over the years MAINLY BY HACKERS and cheats. When are you GMs going to start REALLY dealing with this matter????
Please sort out Auction House. Clean it up for us,,,, PLEASE