Hi all, I would like to share how an older player is able to enjoy playing Maplestory a little bit more nowadays,
of course we all know there is a big nostalgia for the older Maple, most people would agree pre-big bang was the "good, old times"
So, if even it's just a little bit, I tried to recreate the old times by playing Maplestory OST from Youtube in the background,
I don't think we are allowed to link other pages here but if you look up on Youtube, MapleStory v83 (2006-2009 GMS) 3-Hour Music Compilation
you should be able to see the video I am using now and the music really gives you the nostalgia...
maybe, just maybe, it'd make the game feel a bit more fun. Just a quick thought for any old players still playing Maple these days.
I mean, for some this may sound like a super small common sense, but who knows, maybe this will prove helpful to some, even if just a handful of players.
The game has changed so much since then, maps changed, skills changed, Big Bang was a major update anyway, but hopefully this helps, somewhat.